»Grub Talk & Love«

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"Oh my cod- Your gonna be a lusus! A dad!" Tikore glomped onto his brother with a loud purr. "I'm gonna be an uncle!"

Hikaru stumbled back and laughed, holding onto him as he nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to be a lusus. And yeah, you'll be an uncle."

He was amused by his brother's reaction. Especially since the twin was slightly jealous of his matespirt at first.

"Eek! This is so awesome!" Tik clapped his hands together as he hopped off the other, smiling brightly. Truly happy for him.

"Well duh, I'm gonna have a grub as cute as its mother and as charming as me~" Cue the cocky wink-

"Pft- Uh huh. Hopefully, Lee's and my intelligence will be inherited though~"

Hikaru playfully smack at his arm and pulled him close, winking. "Shut it, Ti-ko-re~"

The Page pushed him away and scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Watch yourself, mister~" Suddenly though, he perked up. "What do you love most about Lee?"

"What do I..." 'Karu blinked slowly, deep in thought. "Mm...Probably the fact that he's the light that filled my darkness, saving me from the eternal damnation of hell~ My own personal angel, who fell from heaven with broken wings~"

He spoke so wistfully with eyes full of love and devotion to his lover.

Tikore bit his lip and purred softly, 'aw'ing quietly at him. "That's so sweet!"

"Mm. I suppose so." Hikaru shrugged with a small smile, tilting his head at Tikore. "What is it that you love most about Dakota?"

The other trilled quietly just at the mention of his name, smiling widely with his arms wrapped around himself.

"Mm. Can I say everything~? Because that's just about it~ His smile, his laugh-" He sighed dreamily and leaned on his brother.

"Oh my cod- What are you, a girl?" Karu teased and chuckled, flicking his fins.

He flushed and looked away, sinking into himself. "No! I'm just happy and everything.."


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