~Alice In Wonderland~
"Tsk, tsk~" A voice hummed, stirring the tea in his broken tea cup. A strange hat rested upon the being's head, covered in sewing pins and an odd sign type thing.
He looked up with a smirk, a docile madness hidden deep within his eyes. Looking rather strange, was he, but make no mistake. This was Hikaru.
"You're late for tea, y'know~?" His head tilted slightly, appearing to be the Mad Hatter in the newer version of Alice.
The Johnny Depp version of him that is.
"Mm, I guess I could excuse you though~ If, you can answer my query." The Bard leaned forward in his seat, waving his spoon in the newer person's direction.
"Why is a raven like a writing desk~?"
"Ah, can you just imagine it, Abu." Somone sighed wistfully, said monkey resting on his shoulder comfortably.
"Us, in a palace as the Sultan~! Instead of being..Street rats." His nose crinkled a bit as he stood, baggy pants patched up horribly and wearing an over- well, not particularly a coat.
The monkey nodded and made a few short noises, the person, troll, seeming to understand him. "Mm. I'm kind of hungry too..."
Abu scampered off his shoulder and to the market place, quickly hopping onto the top of one.
Tikore followed after him but soon skidded to a stop as he saw palace guards stalking around the streets.