Introduction: An Unexpected Text Message

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Hailey's POV:
The cold hallway wind messes with my hair and shakes it around. I pull it out of my face worried to risk embarrassing myself in front of Luke. I scroll down the Instagram post I was currently looking at. Zoey was wearing a bikini at the beach and kissing Drew. The picture almost made me puke, I hated those ass-hats. Suddenly a notification appears at the top of my screen. I quickly click it to see who texted me.
It was Daisy. I feel my face getting hotter.
"What's up?" Luke asked cheerfully. The ginger haired boy turned his head around to face me.
"O-oh," I stammered. "Daisy texted me." My face became the same color as my Jacket.
"What about?" Luke giggled.
"A sleepover is all!" I spat at Luke. That boy can be such a goofball sometimes.

     I walked down the hall to English class, I tried to roll my sleeves out considering it was so cold in here. Finally, I arrived. I took my comfy seat at the back next to the heater.
"Good afternoon Hailey!" Mrs. Jones chirped cheerfully.
I turned to look at the clock, Daisy said I could come at 4:30. Fifteen more minutes of class, then out the door and straight to the car. I could drive directly to Daisy's house after school. I smiled and focused my eyes on the board. I hope Daisy wouldn't mind if I came early.

Author's note: sorry for the short chapter I was out of ideas 😂
I hope you enjoyed so far!

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