1~ My Secret

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   "Paisley are you almost ready?!?!" Steve yelled from downstairs waking me up. He woke me up twenty minutes ago and I fell asleep.
     "Give me five minutes!" I yell jumping out of my bed and shuffling through my closet. I threw on a cute bra and a see through shirt white black shorts^. I quickly threw on mascara and lipgloss cause that was all I had time for. I then ran downstairs and located steve. "I'm ready."
"It's about time." He rolled his eyes as we walked outsides and began to walk to the Curtis house. We don't live to far from them they are only a couple houses down, but steve sometimes likes to walk with me when he knows socs are on edge. "They better have chocolate cake that's all I'm saying."
"Is that all you care about?" I ask.
"You're lucky I even care about you." He chuckled at his own joke. Loser.
We walked inside and I walked up to Sophie's room. And I didn't even knock. "Hey Sophie."
"How ya doing paisley?" She asked peeping her head away from her closet.
"Just peachy, what are you up to?" I flop onto her bed looking at her.
"Trying to find an outfit, some of my socs friends want to go to the diner tonight. And guys will be there." She continued to shuffle through her closet in a panic to find something to wear.
"Can I pick your outfit?" I ask.
"Go ahead you'll probably have more luck then me." She now sat on the bed as I got up. I chose a white cropped top that wouldn't show too much of her stomach and a pleated blue skirt along with converse. (Picture below).
She went to stand in front of the mirror and examine the outfit I chose for her. "okay gorgeous." I say.
"It is pretty cute, I'll probably fit right in." She smiled.
"Don't be too shy tonight you have to talk to the boys." I say trying to hype her up.
"I know I know I'll try." She sweetly smiled letting us both know she won't.
"Breakfast is ready!" We hear Darry yell.
"I'm starving!" We say in unison. We both run down the stairs and grab plates as fast as we could grabbing food to put on our plates. Darry made eggs and bacon. I sat on the couch next to Dally who seemed to be falling asleep. As I started to eat my food I placed my plate down and clapped I his face.
"What the hell randle!" Dally jumped a little.
"Oh sorry did I do something?" I grin as I go to bite my bacon, but before I could take a bite someone took the bacon and I seen Dally chomping on the bacon.
"Oh sorry did I do something?" He grinned as he finished the bacon like an animal.
"Dick." I say under my breath.
"Did you say something?" He asked harshly.
"You heard me." I smile and get up to sit next to sophie instead.
"You're not going to sit by me anymore?" He sounded offended.
"What can she say she likes me more." Sophie smiled while Darry came to collect our plates otherwise he knew wouldn't have brought them to the kitchen.
"She is a lot more fun to be around." I smile.
"No." He said got up, and walked over to the couch. He then picked me up and threw me back to where I used to be sitting then he sat next to me.
"Someone's needy." Sophie crossed her arms.
"He's just jealous." I say trying to get him angry.
"I'm not jealous or needy." He said rolling his eyes then he got up and stormed out. Sophie and I died fo laughter.
"Did you see his face?" I laughed. Everyone else looked at us like we were maniacs.
"Come on steve and soda we got to get to work." Darry said as he went outside. He drops steve and soda off at the dx which is a gas station in our town. Then he goes to his job which is roofing houses. Johnny and pony haven't been here all morning and two has been quietly watching Mickey Mouse. Sophie and I were talking on the couches. But now she laid across one and I laid across the other.
"I kinda want food." I say making two big whip around.
"Me too." He said.
"We literally just ate." Sophie said.
"Two, you should go pick us up something from the store or the dingo." I say with a frown.
"You're a big girl why can't you do it?" He asked knowing that I'm tough.
"But two the socs have been real bad lately." Which isn't a lie, i typically don't care I'm just lazy.
"Ugh fine I know what you're doing though. And you're paying." He said getting up and holding out his hand and I handed him a twenty.
"Fires and a burger." I smile and look to sophie.
        "Vanilla milkshake." She smiled sweetly. Two but then left to go get us food.
        "Are you nervous for tonight?" I ask.
        "Why would I be?" She asked.
        "You have to talk to at least one boy, even if it's just saying hi." I say knowing she probably won't.
        "Ugh I'll try. How do you even have so many boyfriends and hookups?" She asks.
        "Gotta keep my mind off things somehow." I laugh knowing I'll never get with the guy I actually want to get with.
        "Oh come on you've never really had a serious relationship, you're longest was 3 months. I mean mine has only been a month but I've only had one. You've had like 15, how have they only lasted that long?" She asks genuinely curious. She really just called me out like that.
      "Cause I've never truly liked any of them it was all for fun." I say shrugging.
       "Then why do you date them?" She asks, now I have to answer truthfully.
       "Because I can't have who I want." I say frowning a bit.
        "Who do you want?" She asked as she mumbled "please don't be my brothers."
        "Now I've never told anyone this so all jokes aside and don't pressure me to go for it." I say knowing I'm about reveal like my biggest secret.
      "I promise paisley, I mean we're best friends I wouldn't pressure you into that. And trust me I won't tell anyone." She smiled.
      "It's Dally." I admit and then seconds later before she had time to react Johnny and pony walked inside.
       "Where have you guys been?" Sophie asked.
       "Went to the park." Ponyboy said as he went to go grab water for him and Johnny. And then soon enough two came in with our food. A good day.

 A good day

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