17~ Washington

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A week later~ 
Sophie has been distant but we started to talk it out. We are both on mutual terms, but she's still with nick. I apologized for some of the mean things I said. And she apologized for coming for Dally and my relationship.
Dally is spending the night at my house tonight. To switch things up and for him to have a family dinner with my family. My parents have met him, but they don't know him. I think he is a little nervous but he hasn't really talked about it.
      I wore a big red jacket with a white tank top underneath and a Jean skirt to be paired with it. (Picture above).
Ring. I heard the doorbell ring. Which clearly meant he was here. Steve and I went to go greet him at the door. "Hi Dal." We said in unison. I went to go give him a kiss. He was holding flowers.
"Hey guys. These are for you baby. And these are for your guys mom." He handed me flowers and steve a Bouquet as well to give to our mom.
"Hey mom Dally got you flowers." Steve said to our mom who was assisting my dad in the kitchen.
"You are such a kind young man." My mom said.
"Thank you." He sounded much kinder than usual.
"Dinners ready kids." My dad said serving plates and placing them on the table. Dally Steve and I went to go sit down. I sat between the two of them. We started have small talk about Dally. They asked what he was into, what his intentions were with me, and stuff similar.
"Well with you around we never see our daughter anymore." My dad laughed. Dally laughed awkwardly.
"Sorry about that sir." He said.
"And the other night we found a hickey. Like this is a little unacceptable." He said getting a little angry.
"Dad I told you not to bring that up." I whispered.
       "Yes honey that's for another night." My mom patted his back.
       "I'm sorry sir." Dally actually sounded nervous.
      "Well you should be, like I said unacceptable. We can't have our daughter getting pregnant." My dad said making me start to choke on my food.
      "Jesus dad chill out. This is a get to know dally not personally attack him night." Steve said.
      "Well what am I supposed to do just go around in life knowing he's sleeping with my daughter." He said making me start to get mad.
      "Okay dad seriously stop now you are getting ridiculous." I said angrily.
      "No this is ridiculous!" He yelled.
      "No you know what's ridiculous, the fact ive caught you sneaking in and out of this house several times! Or the fact I came home and heard you talking to someone but acting like you weren't! Like what's going on are you cheating?" I ask making everyone's jaws drop. They weren't expecting that.
      "How could you accuse me of cheating on your mother?" He sounded shocked.
      "Well I mean the proof is there!" I yelled.
      "I could never cheat on your mother I love her dearly." He said calmly.
      "Hon I think it's time we tell them." My mom said quietly.
      "Tell us what?" Steve piped in.
      "Well your dad has been looking into starting a business." My mom said.
      "Yes I have. I've been meeting with a few guys later a night at their establishments. Along with a few meetings set up here. And a few calls." My dad said.
      "That's amazing! But why would you hide that?" I ask.
      "Well I wanted to make sure I got the job first." He said.
      "Well did you?" Steve asked.
      "Well yes, I did." My dad said.
       "That's so great dad!" Steve yelled.
       "That's real nice Mr.Randle." Dally smiled, I could tell he was still nervous.
       "Well there's a catch kids." My mom said.
       "What?" I ask.
       "Well if I get the new job it's up in Washington. We would have to move." My dad knowing we aren't going to react in the best way.
      "What we can't move our friends well practically our family lives here!" I yelled.
      "Well sweetie this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." My mom said.
      "But the gang." Steve said.
      "They mean so much to us we can't leave them." I say.
      "You guys can't afford to live out here by yourselves, you guys have to come." My dad said.
      "What if they move in with me?" Dally asked. "I mean my buddies got an extra room right next to mine."
      "Wait actually?" I ask.
      "Paisley we barely like you sleeping there as it is I don't think I like the fact of you two living together even if Steve is there." My mom said.
      "Ma'am trust me I can help take care of them. I already cover the expenses for living there, my buddy won't mind giving out the other room." Dally said.
     "Please mom and dad!" I say.
     "What I'm in a separate room just to clarify?" Steve asked.
     "Yeah Steve can stay in the extra room and paisley and I can stay in mine." Dally claimed.
     "Wait you two sharing a room?" My dad asked.
     "Yes dad, just please we don't want to move. We love it here. It's our hometown." I begged.
     My parents looked at each other, "well if you guys can be responsible I don't see an issue." My mom stated.
     "I guess we could allow it. But Dally you better not mistreat them!" My dad said.
     "Trust me sir I'll make sure they stay in line." He laughed.
     "Oh my god thank you guys!" I got up and hugged them.

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