24~ The Red Couch

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Complete darkness. The cold air hitting the open part of my shirt. I don't know where I am but I woke up a few hours ago. I was sitting in what seemed to be a sodden chair. A rough feeling rope around my shoulders, feet and tied my wrist together. I felt duck tape not only against my lips but my eyes. Part of me told me I should be freaking out. Yet the other part is calm. Maybe it's a dream? Or maybe it's not and I will be rescued. But who am I kidding I did this to myself. If I would have just listened I would've been in Dallys arms right now. I deserve whatever is going to be brought upon me.
     "What the hell are we going to do with her?" I heard someone yell from what sounded like it was above me.
     "I say we keep her, them greasers really seem to care about her." I heard what sounded like another man speak.
     "Yeah because she is a greaser! We could be killed by Dallas winston for this." I heard a man scream. He isn't wrong. Dally will find me and they won't like what he'll have to say or do.
     "Then I say we kill her first." Someone shouted. That took quite the turn.
      "Let's give it at least a week. No one comes to claim her we kill her." Then the conversation was over. It seems as if my last few moments will be here. Dally won't be able to find the exact people who did this to me. No one will.

        Dallys pov~
       I was chasing her down the block when suddenly she got too fast and I got out of breath. I stopped in order to catch my breath. She's been through rough times before I'm sure she can handle herself. I began to jog in the direction I figured she went. Then I was getting confused. I had no clue where she could've went. For all I know she went back to the Curtis house.
I found myself going down random streets up and down in order to find her. She can't be too far, if she was smart she would've stopped running. I can't be mad at her. I gave her too many restrictions. Hell I would've ran away too.
Then I turned down another street I didn't see her but I kept my eyes open. I wasn't freaking out until I looked down and see a switch that looked a lot like hers. No need to freak out it could be anyone's. Right? I grabbed the switch in hopes it wasn't hers. Paisley had both of our initials engraved in them, that's how I would know for sure. I searched until I seen the carving of "PR<3DW". I ran around a little more angry.
I needed to go back to the Curtis house. Get more people. Cover more ground.

Paisleys pov~
The fear began to kick in more and more. I realized I could die here. And the last few things I said to the people I loved was me yelling at them. I felt my eyes start to water. The duck tape was starting to feel weird. The crying started to make the duck tape get slippery. It started to pull my eyelashes. I opened my eyes harshly and the duck tape slid enough to where I could see.
I looked around and it looked like I was in a basement. I was trying to figure out who's house I was at when I realized I don't talk to the Socs so I wouldn't know. Then I looked to my left and seen a bright red couch with purple stripes that seemed oddly familiar. Abs then the flashback hit me.

As I look around his house and all of his bright furniture. Who's idea was it to get a bright red couches with purple stripes?
     "Nick, you haven't even seen the worst of me. You don't even know me." I grinned then punch him again.

      Nick, of course it was nick. I punched him twice and he felt threatened. But there were two people involved. I heard what i think was two male voices. Would the second person hate me just as much as the first? Or do they not even know me?

       Steve's pov~
       I heard the door of the Curtis house whip open. I turn to see Dally out of breath. "Dally man are you okay?" I ask.
      "No she's gone." I could sense the hurt in his voice.
      "What do you mean she's gone?" I ask a bit defensive.
      "Look man it wasn't my fault, she kept running and I tried to stop her then I lost her and the I found her switch on the ground. I think someone found her and took her." He looked as if he wanted to cry.
     "Maybe she just dropped it." Ponyboy said being the annoying fourteen year old he is.
     "Shut the hell up Ponyboy. Why don't we all go look for her?" I ask in as much fear as Dally.
     "Everyone stay with a partner." Darry yelled and pointed at everyone. I followed behind Dally. In the end him and I want to find her more than any of them. We both love her.

Dallys pov-
I've gathered everyone and we're all in pairs looking for her. I'm with Steve. Man I can't think right now I just need to find her. My brain is all in pieces. It can seriously be anyone. Anyone. The options can be from just a random stranger to an enemy. Enemies. A good way to start. But she hated everyone. I could feel myself getting overworked. "I can't lose her." I accidentally say out loud.
"Listen man we won't. We're gonna find her." I could tell Steve was broken. That's his twin. His other half. I can't even imagine how he feels.
"She can be anywhere. Hell for all we know she could be outta state." I say trying not to yell since we're both frustrated.
"Why don't we start with people she's done wrong to within the past few months." He exhaled steadily.
"I don't even know where to begin she was always getting into trouble." I sigh.
"What about your ex uh what's her name Sylvia. She hates that bitch." Steve had a good point.
      "That's a good start I know damn well she would do anything to break me heart." I say trying to remember where she lived. "Follow me we can start by going to her house."

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