6~ It Was All A Dream

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It was like ten and Dally was heading back to his house. "You coming?" He asked.
"Can we stop by my house first to pick up a few things?" I ask.
      "Like what?" He asked being l nosey as we left the Curtis house.
      "Like clothes and stuff cause I'm sleeping over." I said like it should've been a given.
       "Oh you aren't just going to steal my stuff like you typically do?" He laughed.
        "Did you want me to?" I laughed with him.
        "I don't care man it's whatever." He shrugged.
        "Well do you still have that toothbrush I use from the mornings after the party?" I ask.
        "Why would I get rid of it if you like party at my house once a week." He chuckled.
        "Fine let's just go to your place." I shrugged.
        "I mean your already wearing my shirt." He chuckled.
        "In my defense you gave it to me." I say laughing.
         "Didn't mean I wanted you to take it." He said.
         "Come on you know I look better." I shoved him a little.
          "Always picking a fight." He joked as he lightly shoved me in a playful matter.
          "It's been awhile since I broke someone's nose." I laughed.
          "Whatever you tell yourself Randle." We entered his place and no one was there shockingly. Typically people even if there is no party are here at least at the bar. We got up to his room. And he suffers through his dresser.
        "Here's some clothes." He threw me a pair of sweatpants that will be huge on me and one of his shirts. "You can just change in here."
        "No watching." I chuckle.
        "Darn why not?" He frowned.
        "Either close your eyes or get out." I push him a little.
        "You've been real handsy tonight, you sure you don't want me to watch?" He asked.
        "Get out!" I shoved him out of his room and closed the door, and locked it. I got changed which only took a few seconds. And allowed him back in.
       "You know your no fun." He laughed.
        "I'm fun when it's convenient for me." I smile and walk out so he can change. He let me back in the room.
        "You know you could've stayed I don't mind a crowd." He chuckled as he threw his dirty clothes in a pile.
        "I know you don't." I smile and laid in the bed. It was around 10:30 and I wasn't all that tired. He laid down and faces the opposite way of me. I assumed he was going to sleep although I couldn't know for sure. I decided to look out the window right by his bed while I laid down.
       All I could do was think, what would it be like if we were together. Would we be happy? Or would it be a mess like all of my other relationships.

         It was a calm fall morning I rolled over while the sun hit Dallys face. I stretched and smiled as he woke up and engulfed me in a hug. "Good morning babe." He wiped the hair out of my face.
        "Good morning." I smiled and shoved my face in the crook of his neck.
        "What do you want to do today?" He kissing the top of my head.
        "Hmm, maybe we lay in bed all day?" I giggle.
         "Hmm what about we go buy breakfast and eat it in bed? I'm hungry." He chuckled.
         "Oh my goodness yes!" I jump up and smile.

        Then I woke up. Realizing that was a dream. That could never be our reality. We're both too stubborn. Both of us struggle with trust and commitment. I could truly dream though. I sat up and looked out the window again. It was still night time. I looked over and it was two in the morning, wow I barely slept. I guess I was shuffling around a lot because I seen Dally start to wake up.
"Are you awake?" He sounded raspy.
"Uh yeah, you should go back to bed though." I say knowing I won't be able to go back to bed.
"I have another idea." He got up and threw a shirt on. "We'll come on." He chuckled as he gestured to the door.

We got in his car and he just started driving. I had no clue where to. "Where are we going?" I ask.
"Well first off we need food. Your good at flirting I assume." He Said.
"I am. let me guess, we're going to rob a store I go in before you ask a stupid question flirt with the guy then you come in he barely a knowledges you, you steal the stuff you leave then I leave?" I assumed knowing it's Dally.
"Spot on." He pulled into a spot kinda a distance away from the shop but easy to run to.
I walk into the store and go up to the cashier and ask, "Where are the bathrooms?"
"Oh sorry ma'am we don't have bathrooms." He smiled trying to be friendly.
"Oh that's a shame I guess You'll have to find some way to make that up to me." I shrug. I seen Dally walk in but the cashiers eyes were still on me. "Maybe a number and lunch someday?" I smiled twirling my hair.
"Let me write my number down real quick." He looked around the counter until he found a pen and a piece of paper. He continued wrote down his number and hand it to me.
"I'll definitely have to call this some time." I seen Dally leave. "But I really do need to use the bathroom." I smile.
"My names Mike in case you didn't see!" He shouted as I left and went to the car. We both got in he handed me a coke and a bag of chips. And had the same for himself.
"I won't be needing this." I smiled and threw the piece of paper out of the window.
"Hey don't liter." Dally rolled his eyes.
"You just stole." I laughed.
"Fair enough." He laughed with me.
"Where do next?" I ask as I throw my hand out the window while he's driving. The cold air hits it and I start making the motion of a wave with my hand.
"I know a place." He said and drove me towards a forest.
"Just don't kill me till after I finish my chips." I giggle as we both get out of the car.
"You just have to ruin the plan." He rolled his eyes. "Now come on." He gestures towards a path. We followed it and the he took a random left turn off path. And led me into the forest in the dark. Thank god I know he can beat someone up and I got my switch. Then awhile we kinda went up hill then we went up onto a tree. We both sat on the branch and we seen a lot.
"Don't tell the gang about this spot they might think I'm soft or something but I can see a lot up here and I'm short tempered so I come to think and look. And occasionally throw rocks." He said eating his chips.
"We all need to think." I shrug. I started to get sleepy and he felt so warm, I leaned my head on his shoulder and I just gazed at the stars.

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