5~ We Are Family

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A week later~
Sophie and I were walking home from the drive-in and all I could think of was Dally. I don't know why but he hasn't been able to leave my mind all day. "So like I was saying the guy I met like a week ago or something asked for my number yesterday at school."
"That's exciting." I barely have a response because I wasn't fully engaged in what she was saying.
"Did you even hear what I said?" She asked laughing.
"Uh kinda." I only shrug.
"Paisley a guy asked for my number!" She smacked my shoulder playfully.
"What no way that's so exciting! Is he hot? Have you called him? Has he called you?" I finally take my mind off Dally.
"Well I gave him my number last night, he hasn't called yet but hopefully soon." She smiled.
     "Well if he asked for your number it's a given he has to call." I smiled knowing she at least talked to a guy.
      "I sure hope so. What's up with guys with you?" She asked bringing the thoughts of Dally back. I keep thinking about how he stayed by my side when I needed it most.
      "Um just the normal." I fake a smile. It hurts me that I can't be with him. But I know he doesn't want me. And even if he did would we even work out? And what if we didn't? Our friendship would be ruined and I wouldn't have him at all.
"Dally was so strict on the fact he needed to see you before the rest of us. He cares about you." She smiled and rubbed my back as we walked into my house and into my room. Nobody was home today, mom went with dad on his business trip. And steve was with soda as normal.
"But he doesn't want me." I threw myself on my bed.
"Who said that?" She asked.
"Me. Him without actually saying it. I can tell. He doesn't look at me like how he did with Sylvia." I say sighing.
"You aren't Sylvia." She said.
"Whatever." I say over the conversation. I buried myself with pillows hoping not to speak to anyone until I wake up. Yes it's only eleven but I just need to be asleep.

The next day~
Sophie and I woke up and we both got dressed. I put on a New York t-shirt I stole from Dally awhile ago when I crashed at his house for a party and black shorts (Picture above).
We went back to the Curtis house and shockingly everyone but Johnny was there, I mean granted it was noon but still. I'm shocked Dallys here this early and Ponyboy isn't with Johnny. "How are you girls?" Darry asked like he was our father as we entered.
"Still tired." I laughed as I plopped on the couch in between Dally and steve.
"Me too." Sophie said sitting next to soda and laying her feet on top of him.
"Get off of me." He jokingly pushed her legs.
"I don't want to." She put them back up and he just laughed.
Dally has been staring at me the whole time I've been here. I've been getting butterflies honestly. "Have a problem winston?" I ask snapping my fingers in front of his face.
"Is that my shirt?" He asked confused.
"Oh maybe I found it in my dresser maybe from when I crashed at your place one of those nights." I shrug, knowing that's exactly what happened. But he can't know that. "Did you want it back?"
"Nah you can keep it, looks better on you anyways." He smirked.
"I'm sure it does." I giggled.
"Where are you two sleeping tonight?" Darry asked.
"Who you talking to Dar?" Soda asked.
"Steve and paisley where y'all staying?" He asked.
"Uh our house." I say confused.
"Well your parents aren't home and them socs have been real bad lately mid prefer if you crashed with someone else." Darry said.
"Soda you mind if I crash in your room with you tonight?" Steve asked instantly.
"I guess." He joked.
"You can stay with me tonight." Dally suggested. I could tell Sophie was about to offer up her room but Dally beat her to it and I don't think she minds entirely.
"Sure I'll crash with you." I say.
The next thing we know Johnny walked in with his arm bleeding. "Man Johnny what's up?" Dally asked acknowledging his arm.
"It was them socs man they pulled their blade on me and ran." Johnny sighed.
"I'll get the stuff." Darry got out of his chair.
"Damn those socs man they have no business coming after us." Two piped up.
"If I see the guys who did this to you Johnny I'll show them who the bigger man is." He seemed frustrated.
"Was it the same guy with the rings?" Ponyboy asked.
"No some other guy, I couldn't even tell you a description." Johnny sighed as Darry walked down with the kit applying what needed to be applied. He winced in pain.
"Sorry Johnny but I gotta do this." Darry said.
"I know it just stings." He closed his eyes.
"It's just getting out of control they think they can just pull a blade and run." Steve said crossing his arms.
"They just think they are better cause they have money." I say rolling my eyes.
"We got the bigger hearts though, they would turn on their friends in a heartbeat. I wouldn't do that to any of you guys." Sophie smiled.
"Me either." Majority of the group said.
"It's because they are friends, we are family." I say smiling.
"Agreed." Everyone said like they could read each others minds.

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