III. Love and Death

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Genre(s): Fantasy, Smut

Story DescriptionBright, an Angel of Love, accidentally shot a love arrow to Win, an Angel of Death. What could possibly go wrong?

Warning(s): Rated R, contains sexually explicit language 🔞

Author's NoteI already published this story on a separate book, but since it's a BrightWin one-shot, I decided to also include it in this collection. Oh, by the way, I changed the character's names back into Bright and Win. Although technically, they're still the same. But if you wanna read the story with Vachamuel and Metzrael's names in it, feel free to read the original book.

Bright perched elegantly. His wings, soft and white, pressed firmly against his back. The day was nice. The warm rays of the sun were warm and comfortable. Bright went on to do his rounds. There was a couple sitting on the park bench. They were talking but it was obvious that the girl was not interested at all. A breeze weaved through the bright green leaves and crawled up Bright's spine.

The poor guy, he was chubby and his hair was greasy. The Angel of Love almost felt bad for him. Bright continued to listen to the guy's attempts to strike a topic with the woman. She only rolled her eyes and mumbled a few "yeahs" and "uh huhs". Clearly, the woman was a b*tch. The man, however, seemed really nice. He complimented her and asked about her day. Bright could tell he was a good guy. He drew an arrow from his white quiver. He pulled up his bow and began set up the aim towards the girl's heart.

The breeze came back, except it was colder. A sudden sense of dread washed over Bright. The couple noticed this and the guy took off his jacket and offered it to the woman. She rejected it and Bright cringed at her insolence. Right then and there, Bright noticed a black figure eerily walking towards the couple.

The figure was clad in a dark robe, his raven-black wings folded at the back. He had an ominous vibe to him. Bright's eyes widened. It's the Angel of Death. Although he knew so much about this being, he had never seen him in real life before. He is the one who gives a special and a literal kiss of death. The couple couldn't see him. They couldn't see any of them. Angels, after all, were invisible to mortal eyes.

But one thing is for sure. The Angel of Death was going to kill one of them. Bright didn't know which one, but he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He knew he shouldn't get in the way of the Angel of Death but he had been working on this case for quite some time. Bright didn't want to let all of his work be wasted, but he also knew that the angel could kill him in a heartbeat if he wanted to.

The feathers fluffed out as he saw the angel edge closer to the couple. The Angel of Love didn't know what to do. He figured that maybe if he went down there and talked to the other angel, he would spare, whoever it was, their life. It was worth a shot. So, Bright put his arrow back in its white quiver and hopped down from the large tree. He tucked a few strands of his hair behind his ear and made his way to the angel.

As he approached him, Bright started to grow nervous. He didn't know the angel well enough to determine whether he would be merciless or not. The cement sidewalk was rough against the soles of his feet and the wind was colder. He needed to find a way to convince him not to kill the couple.

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