V. My Sister's Boyfriend

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Genre(s): Fluff, Romance

Story Description: Bright secretly likes Win, his sister's boyfriend.

Author's Note: This is the shortest one-shot that I've written so far. Enjoy reading.

"Bright! Win is coming over later so I'd prefer if you don't bug us." My sister yelled, barging into my room. I didn't respond, I just continued to read the book I was reading.

You see, Win is my sister's boyfriend and I happen to be head over heels for him. It sucks. It's wrong for me to even think about being with my sister's boyfriend. She'd probably kill me if she found out I like him.

There was a knock at the front door and my sister giggled. I just rolled my eyes at the sound, even though she was all the way down stairs and couldn't see me.

Despite my sister saying not to bug them, I'm hungry and I want some food so I'm gonna have to bug them for a second. I jumped off my bed and headed down stairs.

My sister and Win were in the kitchen laughing about something. When I walked in, they stopped and stared at me.

"What? I was hungry." I sated simply. I walked over to Win and gestured my hand for him to move, because he was in front of the snack cabinet. He did.

"Nice to see you too." Win said sarcastically.

I grabbed a pack of potato chips and waved at them bye, then went back to my room.

I was in my room eating cereal and reading when there was a knock on my bedroom. "It's open!" I yelled, muffled from all the chips that was in my mouth. Then my door opened and my sister walked in.

"Bright, we need to talk." She stated simply.

What in the world does my sister need to talk to me about?

"About?" I asked.

"Win." She said, then closed my door and sat down on the end of my bed. "Be honest," she started. "Do you like my boyfriend?"

I blushed. I didn't know what to say. I can't just tell her I like her boyfriend! Heck, she doesn't even know I'm gay!

She gave me a death look, as if saying 'if you don't tell me now, you're dead.' I just slowly nodded my head. Scared of what she might do or say

"I knew it!"

My sister squealed before tackling me to the bed in a giant hug.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" She cried. I didn't respond.

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