VIII. Love, Your Admired Stalkee

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Genre(s): Humor, Fluff, Romance

Story DescriptionWin finally got Bright to notice him.

Author's NoteThis is the continuation of "Love, Your Admiring Stalker", so if you have not read that one, I would recommend reading that first. Enjoy reading!

It was something Win thought could never happen to him. It was so astonishing, in fact, that he would replay the same moment over and over and over again just make sure he wasn't being delusional. Not that he had a tendency to be delusional, but when you're as much in love as he is, the line between fantasy and reality become rather nebulous.

"Will you stop freaking out?" Kavin said, groaning in shame. "So, what if he said hi to you today? Not a big deal, he says hi to lots of people."

"Maybe." Win said, pacing back and forth in front of the table. "But this is me we're talking about. He said hi to me. Out of all the people he could have possibly greeted with that warm, beautiful smile and that riveting voice, he greeted me. You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"Okay, fair enough. But just for the record, it wouldn't even be that big of a deal if you haven't been in love with him for the past two and a half years. If you just saw him yesterday, you wouldn't be fangirling so foolishly right now over a simple kind gesture." Kavin said.

"Oh. I beg to differ, my dear four-eyed Casanova friend." Win said in "a matter of fact" tone as he sits back down. Kavin's eyes narrowed in confusion, wondering what him wearing eyeglasses and being a Casanova had to do with anything. "You see, that's how amazing Bright is. He's just so beautiful that he can literally make anyone fall for him in a matter of seconds. And after you've fallen for him, even if it's only been a few minutes, if he blesses you with a symbol of his recognition, you might as well start planning your own funeral."

"Sounds intense." Kavin said, raising his eyebrows in a sarcastically impressed way. "And weird."

"It's not weird." Win said. "It's... it's..." He pauses to search his mind for the right words, holding out his hands and stretching out his eyes when the thought comes to him. "It's the Bright Vachirawit effect."

"The Bright Vachirawit effect?" Kavin repeats, earning a wide-eyed nod from the other. He rolled his eyes and turned his face away. "Okay, then. You are officially the weirdest person on the planet. Yet, I still have the dignity to call you my best friend."

"Oh, oh, oh." Win interrupts Kavin by hitting his arm and pointing at something. "There he is, walking out of the building in all his god-like glory."

Kavin observed Bright for a moment before turning back to Win, raising an eyebrow.

"He volunteers, you know?" Win said proudly, smiling sheepishly at Kavin. "At the local cat shelter. He says it's because he loves cats so much and wants every cat in the world to have a safe, loving home. Isn't he sweet? He's so sweet..."

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