VII. Love, Your Admiring Stalker

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Genre(s): Humor, Fluff

Story DescriptionWin is just dying to talk to Bright, but his shy and paranoid nature won't allow him to. So, his only other option is to get his attention by doing the creepiest thing he's ever done... stalking him.

Author's Note: This story is not meant to glorify or commend stalking. I personally think that stalking or any unwanted surveillance by an individual or group toward another person is a crime. So, please don't do it. This story is just a work of fiction. With that said, please enjoy reading. Thank you.

Win could have cared less about whatever it was that his professor was blabbering on about. He's a biology major aiming to specialize in genetics, so technically, listening to a lecture on the gene structure and heredity should have been something really important to him, but he was honestly too distracted to even spare the whiteboard a glance. Plus, he didn't get a perfect grade in high school biology and graduated as the class valedictorian for no reason.

This particular class was always the one that presented the most difficulty for Win. Not because of the coursework or anything. The reason he found spending an hour in that class to be so laborious was all due to one person and his name was Vachirawit Chivaaree, otherwise known as Bright. Win didn't know why the tall and handsome sophomore insisted on sitting directly in front of him, but he didn't have the guts to ask him either. Because that would mean having to look him in his face and speak words to him, something Win hasn't been able to do since the day he first laid eyes on that beautiful creature of a man.

Although he was younger than Bright by a year, they have various similarities. Both of them graduated from the same high school, they're the class presidents and the class valedictorian of their respective year, they also both play football, likes music, and both have pets. Lastly, they both enter the same university and are in the same department. But it's not like Win thought that was a sign from the gods of love or anything weird like that, so he knows he should be able to talk to him, especially being a guy because guys are supposed to be courageous or something. But for some reason, each and every time he tried to, each and every time he would get, quite literally, a fingertip away from tapping his shoulder, Win would chicken out, spin around, and scurry away with his face blushing about as red as a human face can possibly blush. So, it was easy to understand why his best friend, Kavin, is so embarrassed to be around him.

Win's mind is completely blank by the time the professor dismisses the class, so Kavin sighs and nudges him in order to snap him out of his trance. "Come back to reality now, weirdo." Kavin said, throwing his bag over his shoulder as Win looked around cluelessly. "He's been gone for at least three minutes now."

"O-Oh." Win weakly and cheekily smiles up at Kavin, lifting his bag off the floor as he moves to stand up as well. "Did I miss anything important?" He asked.

"No, just an intriguing lecture on the very unique structure of a chain of DNA and how it determines the human traits, you know, pretty much the basis of your entire major, but no, you didn't." Kavin replied, sarcastically.

Win, who is unbelievably naïve for a A++ college student, just stared at Kavin for a moment before smiling and nodding.

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