IV. The Wedding Singer

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Genre(s): Slight angst

Story Description: Win's wish was to be Bright's groom. But he ends up singing for him instead.

Author's Note: If you don't like sad stuff, don't worry, this is not the sad SAD type. Enjoy reading!

When they first met in college, it was a moment that seemed like fate. Something magical and impossible to forget happened the moment Win first saw Bright.

Win can't recall every single thing that happened that day because his entire focus got altered when they accidentally ran into each other. The way it happened played out something like a fairytale. One minute, he was just walking along like any other student on campus and the next, he was kneeling down on the ground and picking up his fallen books while someone no less than a centimeter away was doing the exact same thing.

He could feel the sparks flying when their eyes met and locked on each other and he knew that Bright felt them too. At least he hoped he did. They stood up after gathering their belongings, chuckling nervously and awkwardly.

"Sorry about that." Bright had said first, his cheeks looking just as red as Win's. "I have a really bad habit of not paying attention when I'm in a hurry. It's actually how I broke my pinky toe in fifth grade."

"It's okay." Win said back, chuckling and shaking his head. "I wasn't exactly paying attention either."

Bright had flashed the brightest smile at him after he said that and to this day, Win can still feel its warmth whenever he imagines it.

"Uh... my name's Bright." he said, moving his books to his left arm in order to hold out a hand toward Win.

Win was caught up in Bright's eyes that his reaction time was a bit delayed. "Win." he said, conjoining their hands and prompting them to shake.

"Win." Bright repeated back, sending a trillion different chills racing down Win's back. "I like that."

"Thanks." Win could only whisper that small word and smile sheepishly.

Bright laughed. "Well, I'll see you around campus." he said. "Hopefully, it won't be quite this awkward or painful, though."

"Yeah." Win laughed and nodded his head. "Hopefully."

"See you, Win." Bright said, waving to him and showing him one more smile before walking past him.

The blushing male turned around shyly at this point, seeing Bright as he slid his earbud back into his ear. He felt the smile creeping up on his face and he blew out a gust of air lightly, shaking his head a little as to get himself out of a trance before finally picking up his feet and walking away.

They kept seeing each other here and there around campus as the semester goes on and each time, they stopped to say hi for longer. Their conversations were flawless and flowed as seamlessly as a calm river. They talked about anything, everything, and a little bit more. It was just like talking to a best friend, boyfriend, or husband; they could tell each other anything without feeling the least bit of hesitancy.

"I mean, I want to go talk to him about it, but I'm afraid." Bright had explained to him one of the many times when they were relaxing in Win's place. "What if he just yells at me and doesn't even consider changing my grade? He hasn't put them in the grade book yet, but I know that this test grade is gonna lower my grade so much."

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