VI. Honey Thighs

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Genre(s): Humor, Smut

Story Description: Bright and Win both work at a grocery store. What will happen when one day, Win goes to work wearing ripped skinny jeans?

Warning(s): Rated R, contains sexually explicit language 🔞

Author's Note: I haven't proofread this yet so please tell me if you notice any spelling/grammar errors. Thank you.

If Bright thought about his life as much as he thought about Win, then maybe he'd pass his electives. Or maybe he would be focused enough to give customers the right change in his work. Or maybe he would be able to remember his friends' birthdays.

"Pathetic, you know that?" Off's words brought Bright out of his Win daydream.

Bright looked at his co-worker. "What?" Bright asks dumbly, nearly face-planting into the register when Off knocks his hand out from under his chin.

"I said you're pathetic." Off said again, arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at Bright, whose head is now resting on the scanner. "That's gross, you don't know what's been on there."

Bright glared at Off as he straightens himself up. "Why am I pathetic?" He asked.

"You're thinking about Win again." Off stated. Although it's not just a statement, it's a fact. Bright just looked away from his friend.

It's 9:00 AM, and GM-Mart is opening in half an hour. Bright and Off were on cashier duty the minute they walked through the automatic doors, the two arriving early (for once). Being at the front register meant Bright couldn't see Win come into work.

"Hey guys." A voice booms from the other side of the cash register.

Off and Bright acknowledge Tay with a wave and a "hey".

Tay has a cap on and a huge cardboard box in his arms. He's on delivery duty. "Hey Bright, did you see Win come in?" Tay asked.

"No, why?" Bright retorted, perking up at the mention of Win's name.

Tay sets his box of whatever it is down on the floor, grinning from ear to ear. "He decided to wear skinny jeans to work today."

Bright visibly tenses, but then quickly relaxes his shoulders to make it seem like Tay's statement didn't just affect him. "So?" He questioned, running a hand through his hair as he leans back against the register to try and appear cool. "Off is wearing skinny jeans. I'm wearing skinny jeans. Everyone wears skinny jeans."

Tay's grin only gets wider (if that's even possible) and he picks up his box. "Yeah. But Win's wearing ripped skinny jeans."

Bright's elbow slips off the top of the machine and lands on the a few buttons, causing the cash drawer to "ding!" and shoot out, hitting Bright near his hipbone. Off just rolled his eyes at this.

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