Bonding Session

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I yawn as I stumble into Tamiko's kitchen. It is Thursday, again, and this week has flown by in a blur of hard work and late nights. I have been struggling a bit with maths, as the numbers always seem to get tangled up in my brain. After seeing my deer in headlights expression my teacher, the young Mr Hussein, asked me to stay behind. I felt sick with nerves, but he was actually very kind and invited me to join his extra lessons on Monday's, Tuesday's and Thursday's. I was surprised as no teacher seems to take an interest in their pupils like Mr Hussein does. On Thursday's I can't stay after school though as I am babysitting the girls. He seemed almost sad when I explained that today. He is kind-hearted and kid-orientated, and with his help I might actually get a decent pass.

I sigh when I see Tammy has left a brown envelope out on the side with my name written in swirly writing. I know I'm going to find some cash inside. I always enforce the fact that I don't want to take money from her, I love looking after the girls, but she insists on it, practically forcing the money into my hand. We really hit the jackpot with neighbours by moving in here. We couldn't have befriended a more welcoming and lovely family. Even Ajax isn't as bad as I first feared. Tamiko is like an aunty or second mom, always greeting me excitedly and genuinely interested in my day and wrapping me up in a warm hug. She always smells amazing too, like vanilla spice. They even make up for the strange couple on the other side of us who like to go at it in their hot tub before the sun has even gone down, then invite us to go in it the next day. No thanks, I might get an infection.

Today the girls were extra tired as they had gymnastics after school, and it turns out miracles do exist as Miya let me put her to bed half an hour early. I snuggled the girls up under their plump white covers and read them a thrilling story, although Nessie kept giggling as I foolishly allowed Miya to do my makeup, and the results were less fairy princess and more killer clown. Miya thought she had done an excellent job though and did not allow me to touch my perfectly smeared lipstick, red feverish cheeks or bright blue eyeshadow which had somehow ended up in my eyebrows too. I looked like I was auditioning to be one of Cinderella's step sisters. The girls thankfully fell asleep without too much trouble, and both sleepily murmured 'I love you' which made me smile and my heart glow with warmth. I felt a little like I was witnessing a taste of my future. Kids are hard work, messy and a fulltime job, but they really are worth it. 

I check in on Adrian who is reading in the longue, and is distracted by my current painted face, staring at me in horror and slowly edging further along the plush grey sofas.

"I know, I know I'm going to wash it off." I grumble. 

After cuddling up with the girls and allowing my mind to rest I realise how tired I actually am. I fantasize about my warm bed as I tiptoe into the bathroom and run the silver tap. Ajax said he would try and get back from band practice early to work on our chemistry project tonight. We have been doing bits in lessons but not much out of school. Mainly because I am too busy trying not to get any more attached to him. 

We are friends, sure, but I have been purposefully avoiding him a little as I just want to concentrate on getting through school, and he needs to concentrate on his girlfriend. Who is not me. Not that I want to be, I do not need a relationship and it seems like he has a complicated thing going on with Kat. Shivers and a wave of sickness crashes onto me as I remember just what I heard the other night. They foolishly left the window open as they engaged in adult activities, which is rather selfish considering he has neighbours and a family just a few doors down. What would his sisters think?  As soon as I realised he was not working out I nearly sprained my ankle jumping out of bed to slam the windows shut and put a pillow over my head, but I still felt like I could hear it going on. It twisted my stomach into angry knots as it was so disgusting. I haven't been able to face either of them since. 

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