The Movie and The Aftermath Of It

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(Finn's pov) "Okay Bird Box it is." Sam said as she found it on Netflix. We all sat on Sam's bed and I cuddled with Desiree and Sam and Max (they're best friends it's platonic) cuddle together.

(Time skip to after the movie)

Max and Sam got scared half to death. They cuddled each other closer. Max told me we should go to the guest room. "But I'm too tired to move," Max started to pick me up bridle style I squeaked with panic after being lifted of the bed.

"Its okay Finn, I'm not gonna drop you." Max told me. I calmed down and started to drift off to sleep. I felt getting set down on a bed and feel someone lay on the bed with me.

(In the morning)

(Max's pov) I woke up next to my beautiful crush sprawled out on the bed. I hope to God this isn't a dream. I pinched myself to check. Nope not a dream I decided to go check to see if the girls were up (Sam was but she was stuck because Desiree fell asleep on her shoulder) then I went downstairs to make breakfast.

Brandon was up and was on the couch on his phone. He looked up at me and stood up, he walked over said "I like your cut G," and tryed to slap me on the back of the head but I dodged his hand and hit the back of his head.

"God dammit, how the fuck did... what?" Brandon said, dumbfounded as to how I did that. I just smiled at him and walked to the kitchen and started making chocolate chip pancakes for the 5 of us (this includes Brandon.)

(Finn's pov) I woke up but I wasn't in my bed is started to panic, because I couldn't remember were I was. I think Desiree sensed my panic.

She jolted awake and asked Sam, "where is the guest room?"

"I'll take you there" Sam said.

"Okay" Desiree replied. They got to the guest room and Desiree rushed over to me and pulled me close to her chest in an attempt to calm me.

"Sam go get Max he might be able to help" Desiree said and Sam went to go find Max. While Desiree and I tried to calm me down.

Max finally came back up stairs and rushed to Finn and hugged him gently. "Hey Finn tell me 5 things you can see."

"Uh y-you, D-Desiree, t-the b-bed, m-my p-pants, and t-the f-floor."

"Good now tell me 4 things you can feel."

"M-my p-pants, y-you, the b-bed s-sheets, m-my heart."

"You doing great now tell me 3 things you can hear."

"Y-you, D-Desiree, my heart beating."

"Okay 2 things you can smell."

"P-pancakes, your cologne."

"Good good now tell me something you can taste."

"My saliva," he picked me up and carried me down stairs for breakfast. Sam was already down there because she had to take over when she got Max.

We all sat down and and ate pancakes I was still curled up in Max's lap. I was glad Brandon didn't say anything about it. We all finished eating our breakfast.

"W-what are we g-going to do today?" I asked

"Maybe we can go to the mall." Sam suggested.

"That sounds fun." Desiree said.

"But who's going to pay?" Max asked

"I can ask my mom." Sam implied

"Actually I can pay." Brandon said. Sam and Max both started laughing out loud. "Hey what's so funny?"

"The fact that you think y-you h-ave t-that much money." Sam said between laughs.

"I do have a job just so you know" he said slightly offended.

"Also fact that you would do something nice for your sister." Max added in.

"Well I have a fair share of birthdays to make up for." he said.

"Ok ok but I swear to god Brandon if you leave us in a store I will beat the shit out of you." Sam said.

"I promise I won't." Brandon told her. Brandon drove us to the mall and Sam sat in the passengers seat. "Ok we're here were do you guys want to go first." Brandon said.

"Lush!" Sam shouted.

"Woah what about the boys?"

"Boys can like bath bombs." Max said.

Brandon look back at us and asked, "do you like bath bombs?"

"N-not really" I said.

He looked back towards Max, "Well there's your answer"

"Um you didn't ask me!" Max snapped.

"Oh pu-lease I practically live with you I know you get scared of the fizziness of it." Brandon said

I giggled, Max blushed as he slapped Brandon upside the head. "Ow the fuck? It's true though."

"Let's just go." Sam urged.

"Okay okay, what are the boys gonna do?" Brandon asked one more time before getting out of the car.

"Don't worry about us we can suck it up and go with them can't we Max?" I nudged him with my elbow slightly. He nodded and we got out of the car.

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