The Plan

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(Finn's pov) I got into the shower turned it on and let I the warm water run down my back. I didn't need to take a shower. I needed to be alone to think, I ran my hands through my wet hair and sighed as my thoughts spun, but not the panic attack kind of spin.

What if we get caught what if they find out what will happen to me what will happen to Desiree why won't mom just help me I'm glad that I have dad even though he can still disown me if I come out. I snapped out of my thought's and finished my "shower."

I got out of the shower dried off and put on the clothes Max lent me. They were warm and immediately reminded of him I happily went to Sam's room

"That's a great idea Max, but you have to convince him into it." said Desiree.

He replied with, "I know, I know." He looked up at me smiled and patted the spot next to him. 

I cuddled into Desiree and asked, "What you guys talking bout?"

"Max's brilliant plan to keep you and Desiree safe from your parents finding out." Said Sam the way she said it was reassuring.

"Well let's hear it then." I say looking up at Max.

(Max's pov) "So promise to think about it for a little bit before you answer okay?" I tell Finn and hoped he would agree. He nodded, I nodded back to him and started saying, "So the plan is to have you and Sam pretend to date so your parents don't question why you go out so often and Desiree and I will pretend to date me for the same reason so what do you think?"

I wait as Finn processed the information he slowly started to nod after thinking about it for a bit. "Sweet" I shout. Finn flinched at the sudden noise but eased up. "Sorry" I say disappointed in myself as I scared my crush.

"It's getting late I'll ask Brandon or mom if either of them will get us some food." I go downstairs and see mom at the dining room table. "Hey Mom could you get us some food please?" I asked

"No, sorry I can't right now ask Brandon," mom answered.

"Okay" and I start to search for Brandon. "Hey Mom?" I shout from the den.

"Yes?" She called out from the dining table.

"Where is Brandon?" I asked as I headed back to the dining room.

"Um I think he's already out so you'll have to call him." She answered.

"Okay I will." I say and I walk upstairs to get my phone. I called Brandon.

(Max)"Hey Brandon?"

(Brandon) "Yeah?"

(Max) "I was wondering if you could get is some food."

(Brandon) "Umm sure what do you want?"

(Max) "Tacos I guess."

(Brandon) "Okay I'll do that"

(Max) "kay thanks," I hung up and went back to Sam's room.

"Hey so what are we going to eat?" Asked Sam.

"Brandon is going to get us tacos so he'll be here in a bit." I replied.

"Okay sweet," Sam said. I sit down on Sam's bed and cuddle with her about 10 minutes later Brandon came in.

"Here's your tacos." he said as he handed a bag to me.

"Thanks" I say he nods, does a two finger salute, and walks away. I hand one taco to everyone and we all dig in. After we all finished eating. I say, "What should we do now?"

"Maybe we could play a board game?" Desiree suggested.

"Sure, how bout Monopoly?" I ask they all nod and I get up to get the game. "Maybe we should go to the den to play." I suggest.  They all nod once again and follow me to the den. We all sat down and started playing.  Finn fell asleep in my lap Desiree so we put his things back in the box.

(Finn's pov) I woke up slightly confused as to how I fell asleep in the first place. But realized it was already dark.  The others noticed it too.

"We should get comfy clothes on and watch a movie." Sam said. We all nodded and got up then put our pjs on and went to Sam's room and sat down.

"What movie d-do you guys wanna watch?" I ask. 

"How bout Pirates of the Caribbean?" Max offered. I nodded and Sam found the movie and put it in. A couple of minutes into the movie Brandon came in with popcorn gave it to us and sat down to watch the movie with us. Later Max fell asleep on me the movie ended and I couldn't move.

"Hey Brandon can you carry Max to the guest room please?" Sam asked.

"Sure," he said and picked him up with surprising gentleness and I followed them.  Brandon set Max down on the bed and left. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.

(In the morning)

I woke up to my phone ringing, it was Dad. I gulped and picked up the phone and left the room so I didn't wake Max up, I answered.

(Dad) "Hello?"

(Finn) "Hi Dad, what's up?"

(Dad) "Not much but I called to tell you to be home a little bit before our usual dinner time."

(Finn) "Okay, we will bye, love you."

(Dad) "Yep love you too bye."

I hung up and let out a small sigh of relief. Which I think woke up Desiree because I felt her come behind me and wrap her arms around me. I turned around to face her and hug her tightly. "Morning Dee," I say.

"Morning Finn," she replied with a sleepy voice.

Max woke up a little bit later and asked, "What do you guys want for breakfast?"

"I don't know you can pick." I said still very tired.

"Okay Finn go back to sleep I can tell you didn't get much sleep I'll wake you up for breakfast." I nod and hug Desiree tighter as a sign that I wanted her to carry me. She took notice of this and picked me up and put me back in the bed.

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