He Knows

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(Dgesiree's pov) after we had a little celebration for Max, Finn and I had to go home for dinner. "Well we better get going it was nice hanging out thanks for letting us come over." I say. Debra nods and waves. Finn and I hug Sam, Max and Debra and leave.

"That was a bit strange," Finn says. I nod in agreement. We soon get home "Hey Mom, hey Dad we're home." I shout.

"Hey kids, go sit down at the table the food will ready soon." Mom calls back.

"Okay," I say as Finn and I go sit down. Soon the food was done and we all sat down and ate after dinner Finn rushed up to our room to check on his snake.

I hear a giggle from upstairs I go up to see what it was about and see Finn holding his snake while it licked his ear he giggled again when he saw me looking a little grossed out by his snake. "Would you like to hold him?" He asks me I rapidly shake my head no. He laughs.

"Its not funny," I say he laughs again "Its not funny okay?" I say annoyed at his antics and him making fun of my dislike for snakes.

"Yeah it is if you saw your face you would laugh too" he says I roll my eyes and get ready for bed. (They eat at 10 pm)  he puts Noodle back in his terrarium and got ready for bed.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Dad calls from downstairs.

"Sure." I call back. We go downstairs and flop on the couch and I curl up with the blankets that were on the couch from last night. "Can we watch Aladin?" I ask. Mom nods and puts the movie in and makes popcorn and hot cocoa. We all sit down, eat popcorn and drink the cocoa and watch the movie.

(Mom's pov) At the end of the movie Finn had fallen asleep so I carried him to his bed then Desiree came in the room and laid down in her bed. "Good night love you both" I say.

"We love you too" Desiree said with that I shut the lights off and closed the door.

(In the morning)

(Max's pov) I woke semi excited but also kinda feeling like I was gonna throw up. So I just layed in my bed until mom (Sam's mom) came into wake me up. "Hey how are you feeling?" Mom asked.

"I kinda feel like I'm gonna throw up." I say while partially sitting up.

"Oh that's not good I'll call the school to tell them you can't go today. You need to get some rest okay?" I nod and fall asleep.

(Finn's pov) We were almost to the school then Sam caught up to us, "Hey guys," I jump at the sudden noise. "Oh sorry Finn" Sam says.

"It's okay where is Max?" I ask.

"Oh concerned about your crush." Sam says, I give her a small playful punch as response Sam laughs and says, "he wasn't feeling well today so he stayed home, oh not to invite myself over or anything but could I maybe see your snake after school?" She asks.

"Yeah you can I just have to tell my mom. It's to bad Max isn't feeling good." I say. Sam nods just as we got to the doors of the school. We all went in and went to homeroom. Sam and I went to our classes and Desiree had to go alone.

(After school)

After school the three of us went to our house. Once we got there we introduced Sam to our mom and went upstairs to see my snake. "Oh my God he is so cute can I hold him?!" Said Sam basically fangirling over my snake. I take Noodles out of his terrarium and hand him to Sam who was trying not to squeal at how cute he is.

"I seriously don't understand why you both think snakes are cool they are so gross." Desiree said. I looked over to her death glare in my eyes and a smile on my face

"I swear to God if you insult my snake one more time then you might want to sleep with one I open tonight." I say. Desiree put her hands up like she surrendered. Sam scoffed at our sibling rivalry. I flipped her off she just rolled her eyes clearly annoyed by my antics. "I would invite you to stay for dinner but we eat pretty late." I say.

"That's fine I should probably get going soon," Sam says as she hands Noodles back to me.

"Well before you leave we have extra soup from our dinner last night that you could give to Max." Desiree said Sam nods and they go downstairs to get it I join them as soon as I put Noodles away. "Bye Sam see you tomorrow." Desiree said with a hint of saddness in her voice I wave goodbye to Sam she waves back and leaves.

I walk over to Desiree and she was clearly upset still so I gave her a hug. "Its okay you will see her tomorrow," I say. She nods and we get out a board game for us to play. Dad comes home soon after we finish the game.

"Hey Finn come here and talk to me for a minute." I nod and follow him to my room.

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