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(Finn's pov) Desiree went to take a shower and I didn't want to go downstairs alone so I just waited for her. A while later she came back to our room and offers her hand to help me, I take it and we both go downstairs for dinner.

I sat across from Dad with Desiree to my left and Mom diagonal to me. The three of them talked I just sat and ate. That is until.... "What the hell are you doing Karen?!" (our mom's name) Dad shouts as she is about to slap me.

"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm getting the attention of the mistake." She shouts back. I roll my eyes this happens almost every time we have dinner and I zone out for two seconds.

"First of all he is not a disappointment, if anything you are the disappointment how would your parents react if they knew you spoke to your son like that? And even for something he has no control of whatsoever so stop acting like a child and treat your son like he's your son and get some help!" Dad shouts.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" she says angrily.

"Well all of it's true he needs help, he can't control his anxiety and you shouting at and slapping him isn't helping anyone we have enough money to get him therapy and medicine for him so why don't we do that." Dad says still angry but not shouting anymore.

"I-i suppose you are right," Mom says, my eyes widen in surprise she was finally excepting the fact that I have bad anxiety. After years and years of that same argument she gave in. She comes around the table, she wraps me in a warm loving hug only a mother could give and just holds me I start to cry tears of joy.

"Thank you, thank you." I breath out only loud enough so Mom could hear.

She squeezes me tightly before pulling away with her hands on my shoulders. I see tears in her eyes, not tears of joy but of regret. "I'm so so sorry Finn I don't know why I treated you like I did. How could I make it up to you?" She asks clearly scared I wouldn't accept her apology.

I look at Desiree and smirk she face palms since she knows were this is gonna go. "I except your apology but on one condition." I state.

"Of course I'll do anything to make it up to you." she says.

I let a small smile creep onto my face as I say "I want a pet snake." Knowing full well none of my family members are fans of snakes besides me. She nods after a little time to think and pulls me into the embrace I missed for years I hug back relieved that she said yes and that things were gonna get better. After a moment we broke the hug, Desiree came and hugged me and we all sat down to finish eating.

"We can get you the snake after school tomorrow is that okay?" Mom asks I nod and finish my dinner.

"I'm gonna get ready for bed." I say.

They all nod and I go upstairs. Desiree  quickly says "I will too goodnight love you both," then got up and followed me up the stairs. "Hey you okay?" She asks concerned and wondering why I left so suddenly.

"Yeah I'm okay actually this is the best I've felt in ages." I smile as I reply. She smiles back and hugs me. Then we got ready for bed.

"Finn, Desiree come down please!" Mom shouts. We go downstairs and go tho the living room where Mom was. "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" She asks. We both nod and sit on the couch and cuddle close together. "What movie do you wanna watch?" She asks.

"The Greatest Showman," I say. She nods and finds the movie.

"I'll go get popcorn and blankets" Mom says as she walks into the kitchen, she then gets the popcorn in the microwave and goes to get some blankets. "Your Dad will join us soon." I nod and look back to the screen. After a couple minutes our Mom and Dad join us on the couch and we all just watch the movie in comfortable silence.

(Dads pov) At the end of the movie the twins were asleep so I picked up Finn carried him to his bed and went back for Desiree. I then picked her up and put her in her bed, I smiled at the two of them shut off the lights and closed the door. I shut off all the other lights in the house. Then I went to bed.

(The next morning)

(Finns pov) I could barely comprehend the fact that my mom finally excepted my anxiety. I pinch myself to make sure, nope not a dream. I go downstairs to eat breakfast. I was greeted by a warm hug from Mom, it shocked me so I let out an audible gasp at the sudden contact. "Oh I'm so sorry I should have warned you, sorry." I just nod and hug her tighter.

"Alright is Desiree up?" Dad asks, I nod as Desiree comes down the stairs wearing one of my chokers.

"Dude what the hell that's mine." I say gesturing to the choker.

"Well you have other chokers that you can wear."she said.

"Well it would be nice if you asked" I say

"Oh that's what this is about, sorry." She says realizing her mistake.

"Its fine just ask next time please" I say, she nods and comes to hug me I hug back.

"Okay let's eat before you have to go" Dad says we both nod and sit at the table to eat. We finish breakfast and head off to walk to school. We were about half way to the school when we spotted Sam and Max soon we caught up to them and walked beside them making small talk.

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