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(Desiree's pov) after we got out of school we started walking back home soon Max and Sam caught up to us and Sam asked "Hey do you guys want to hang out today?"

"Sorry I can't but Desiree can." Finn says.

"Wait I thought I was coming since it is going to be in our shared room" I say. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well its my pet so you don't have to touch it if you don't want to." Finn says sticking his tongue at me.

"What are you guys talking about?" Asks Max.

"I'm going to get a pet snake today." Finn says.

"Ooh that's so cool could I see it some time? I love snakes!" Sam says,  Finn nods.

"Well I guess I can join you two while he gets his pet. So what do you guys plan to do?" I ask

"Well I was thinking we could go to Max's house to pick up a few things then go to my house." Sam says I nod as we get closer to our house.

"I'm gonna tell my parents where I'm going." I say Max nods, Finn and I go into the house. "Hey Mom I'm going to hang out with Sam and Max." I shout from the entry way.

"Ok that's fine be back before dinner." she shouts back.

"Ok I will bye." I say and hug Finn before seting my backpack down and going back outside. "Ok let's go" I say

We make it to Max's house. "Um you can come in if you want to." Max says as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. I nod and follow him inside with Sam following me, the house reeked of alcohol it made me want to gag. We follow Max to his room he grabs a phone charger the last of his clothes and the sheets on his bed along with pillow.

"Why do you need all off this?" I ask not wanting to affend him.

"Oh well I have a feeling my mom's gonna get caught for selling drugs to minors or some other shit she does so I just want all off my stuff out of here so I don't have to come back" he says.

"Oh makes sense." I say.

"How's your mom's and Finn's relationship going?" Asked Sam.

"Actually it's getting a lot better!" I say happy for my brother.

"Thats good lets go to my house now." says Sam, Max and I nod and walk out of the house and start walking to Sam's house.

Meanwhile with Finn.

(Finns pov) we arrived at the pet store the three of us get out of the car and go into the building we go to find a snake. After I picked out a snake we got a terrarium and food along with all the necessities to own a snake.

The snake I picked was a western hognose snake it's a male. When we got home I set up the terrarium and place my snake in it so it can get settled into his new home. "What are you going to name him?" Dad said making me jump at the sudden noise,  "Oh sorry bud didn't mean to scare you" he said.

"It's okay I'm gonna name him Noodles." I say still a little startled, my snake sticks his tongue out.

"I think he likes the name" Dad says, I nod "Do you want to go hang out with Sam and Max for a bit?" Dad asks me I nod and he helps me up.

"Bye Noodles, bye Dad see you guys later." I walk down the stairs "Mom I'm going to Sam's house," she nods and I leave the house and start walking to Sam's house. I get to the door and knock. Brandon opens the door.

"Hey." Brandon says and let's me in

"Hey wher-" I was cut off by Brandon saying "they're in Sam's room." I nod and go upstairs to Sam's room and sit down next to Max.

"Hey what type of snake did you get?" Sam asked me.

"I got a western hognose, I named him Noodles," I say.

"Oh my God it's a boy does it have two-"

I cut her off, "Yes now no more questions." she smirks, I flip her off.

"Anyways what should we-" Max got cut off with a phone call, "I need to take this." we all nod and he walks to his room.

"I wonder who it was." Desiree asks.

"I think I know who but let's not jump to conclusions." Sam said.

A few seconds or minutes went by and Max came back in tears in his eyes, I wasn't sure if they were sad or happy tear, "my mom's been caught," he says with a hint of excitement in the way he said it. Sam jumps up and hugs him.

"I'm so happy!" she says.

"So am I!" Max says.

"Wait why are you excited about this?" I ask obviously confused as hell.

"Well I never had a good relationship with her so now I can officially be rid of her and all the men she sleeps with." Max says with excitement in his voice. "I have to tell your mom." he says to Sam. She nods and Max goes downstairs.

We hear an excited shout from downstairs "Really?!" Sams mom shouts.

"Really!" Max replies.

"Oh my God!" Sam's mom says we hear a bit of shuffling. "Everyone come down we need to celebrate!" Sam's mom shouts. We all go downstairs to see Sam's mom (Debra) pull out cookies, cake, and ice cream. We all sit down at the table and talk. "Well now my dream of adopting you is coming true." Debra says Max nods and hugs her.

(I'm not exactly sure how long the process of adoption is but they began the process after that night and it usually takes a year, so Debra will work on the process of adopting Max over the course of a year.)

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