The Rant

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TW: rants?, homophobia, panic attacks,

"First of all why do think it's funny to be gay" I pause long enough for him to open his mouth to say something dumb, "and why do you think it's a good idea to affend someone especially if what they are 'doing' is not affecting you or anyone else" I stop for a second to catch my breath I decided to continue with my rant so I didn't freak out as I saw a crowd forming.

"And there is absolutely no reason you could have to 'not agree with gay people' so YOU can turn around and check your bible but there's no way we are going to be ashamed of who we are because your to afraid to express who you are." I said in a raised voice, I slowly stumble backwards now hyperventilating and get caught by max as I almost tripped over my feet I turn around and hug him.

"Finn oh. My. God that was so amazing" Sam exclaimed I can only nod i response.

(Desiree pov) I saw many people gather around us when Finn was ranting. I see John shocked, so shocked that his mouth was gasped open in awe. Pretty much everyone there had their phones out recording this whole thing go down. But I couldn't focus on that I had to get to Finn since I knew he was going to have a panic attack.

(When she was there the crowds of people pushed her to the back)

I pushed through the crowd to get to Finn. When I got there I saw him in Max's arms with his legs wrapped around him. I tried to shake that off but it was just so cute. 'Foucus' I think to myself. "Finn?" I ask He looks over to me.

"Tell me 5 things you can see" I say

"Y-you, M-max, S-sam, p-people" he shakes his head telling me he can't see anymore from crying.

"Ok uhh tell me 4 things you can feel"

"M-max, a sh-shirt, h-hair, a-and m-my sh-shaking"

I nod "tell me 3 things you can hear"

"Y-you, Max, and Sam"

"Good tell me 2 things you can smell"

"Max's cologne, nothing else"

"Now tell me 1 thing you can taste" he only shrugs and nuzzles his face into Max's neck. A lot of the people who didn't already stop recording stopped and put their phones away and started clapping. That made Finn try to nuzzle farther into max.

I decide that we had to go inside. "Hey Max? I uh think we should go inside so Finn doesn't have another panic attack" Max nods and starts to walk to the door I grab Sam's hand drags her inside as well, Once we got inside we all slid down the wall to sit down. We all sighed.

"So what should we do know?" Max said Sam and I shrug.

"I think Finn feel asleep" Sam said. Max nodded

"Well maybe we can take him to the nurse so he can sleep and actually go to eat lunch" I suggest they both nodded, Max shifted so he could pick both himself and Finn up without falling.

We dropped Finn off in the nurses office and started walking to our usual eating place. Once we got there, there were a lot less people there. After we ate Sam and I went to class and Max went to go check on Finn.

(Max's pov) I went to go check on Finn, I sit on the side of the bed he was in and gently shook him. I hear a soft annoyed hum coming from Finn. I chuckle a bit before shaking him again then I hear another more annoyed hum from him again.

"Finn...." I say while shaking him again.

"Whhhaaaaat?" He says dragging every letter of the word

"You need to get up Finn" I say

"Nooooo" he says curling up into a ball. I roll my eyes and try to pick him up bridle style. He looks up at me makes direct eye contact and says "put me the fuck down" in a somewhat demonic voice so I carefully set him down he stands up and gives me a sweet yet startling smile and says "thanks"

I am now terrified.

Anyways.... We both make our way back to class he tries to grab my hand and I hesitantly let him "what's wrong?" He asks with an innocent voice.

"You're fucking scary" I mumble under my breath not loud enough for him to hear.

"What was that Max?" He asks

"n-nothing I didn't say anything" I say he rolls eyes and keeps walking. Once we got to class we had to tell the teacher why we were late, which we did and we went to our seats. There just so happened to be only one chair "um there aren't enough chairs here" I say.

"Oh wellone of you will have to sit on the floor or you can share the seat until we get another chair." He says. "So back to what I was saying............."
He kept explaining his plan for class while Finn I sighlenly argue who got sit on the chair me telling him to sit on it and him telling me to sit on it we finally decided to share the seat.

That didn't work out the teach got annoyed with us and sent us to the hallway. We went out to the hallway and closed the door and started laughing "did you see" "t-the look o-on his face haha" Finn said between laughing fits.

I give him a small chuckle and grabbed his waist and pulled him towards me he let out a small sweak of surprise then made an attempt to compos himself but failed.

(After school)

"Hey I don't think you ever told us if you guys were going to come camping with us or not" said Sam as she caught up to us.

"oh yeah, we can go, it'll be so much fun!" Desiree exclaims 

"yay oh I can't wait!" Sam practically yelled in response.

"Can you both shut the fuck up please?!" I say getting a chuckle and a playful punch from Sam.

(hah you thought I was gonna do the chain reaction thing again) 

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