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Flashback to some years ago....

It was a warm summer day on Melemele Island in the region, Alola, where some of the young baby Pokemon were playing about by the near playground by the stream. This park was known to have many young Pokemon make new friends and make their childhoods as happy as can be with all the excitement, hot or cold, day or night, it would always be open for new Pokemon to play around and have fun under the sun. Three small Pokemon were playing by each other on the swing set and sandbox when all of a sudden, one of them asked the other two;

"L-Lwitten? P-Popwlio?" a baby Rowlet asks his two other best friends as he was in the sandbox with Popplio, and Litten on the swing set.

"Yea Rowlet?" Both Popplio and Litten answering.

"I-I..I was wondoring...w-will w-we st-stay togeter forever and forever?" Rowlet asked them adorably with his eyes slightly tearing up.

Litten and Popplio immediately knew their dear friend was serious and wanted an answer from them fast. Litten got off the swings and puts his paw on Rowlet's little head and gave him a comforting smile in case Rowlet was gonna cry at any moment.

"Rwowlet, of course we woud be best fwiends forever and forever." Litten comforted Rowlet while giving him the truth.

"R-rweally? Rowlet asked with tear-filled eyes.

"Yeah! of course!! We woud always be best fwriends forever and forever and FOREVER!!" Popplio said with a cheerful voice and hugging Rowlet tight with open arms.

"Poppwlio is right Rwowlet, we would never go away..NEVER!! We woud be always togeter no matter what!!" Litten said while hugging Rowlet as tight and gently.

"T-tank you guys." Rowlet said with cheer in his voice and rubbed his teary eyes.

"We wov you Rwowlet, forever and ever."

"I wov u guys too." Rowlet said while smiling up at his best friends.

Flashback ends..

A tear slowly fell on the special picture taken from that day, from the one who has asked that same question on that day. Hands shaking, eyes watering with tears of great despair, heart breaking slowly as time progresses, and a question was asked from the same Pokemon that asked it;

"I...I thought....I thought..we' forever.."

The environment inside the only minimum sized attic, was dark and foggy from the dust aging above and around the wooden boards and old boxes, holding things that were in use or used to be put to work. Very few cracks between boards only let in leaks of some rain if it ever rained. There was neither warmth or comfort from how long of months from tears always being brought. memories whirl around from what items that are still in various areas of the dark, saddened attic, which brought more tears by remembering by how things used to be with their friendship, giving off a vibe that makes you feel as thought they were forgotten and lost in a blank abyss with no one to go to, from your painful thoughts, giving you feelings of grief for help but then you wouldn't want it. It was tragic yes, a battered place to be for this young one's soul to curl into nothing but a broken heart. From other old things, blankets were the only thing that were useful for the young one to bring himself from his friends in whom he didn't feel were the same as he knew by heart and soul. Many things he kept were the only things he looked at, yet, still gave him tears to spring like rain for fresh flowers one day. The only thing he had specialized in his possession was a special photo of him and his to other best friends, having arms around each other, as if they were the perfect family to be on this planet, to never be apart what it comes to throughout life.

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