Chapter 14

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As soon as Wei reached the inn, he jumped out of the vehicle and ran towards the entrance. But he soon stopped in his tracks as he could see his father shouting at Riju and Riju who was engulfed in Peng Qui's arms was slightly trembling. The thought of making Riju cry enraged Wei and he angrily marched towards his father. He could clearly hear the cruel words his father was telling his 12 year old son.

"I wish you never came in Wei's life. You are the reason he left me, you despicable child"

These words hit a cord in Wei's brain and he could not tolerate his father's foul mouth anymore.

"Enough Father!"

All turn towards Wei who was walking towards them with a fierce gaze. Wei looks towards Riju who was peeking out of Peng Qui's embrace with tears streaming down his eyes. As soon as Riju's eyes sets on Wei he dashes towards Wei and gets pulled in his embrace. Riju wails loudly and starts trembling due to fear.

"Look what you did Father, are you happy to make a 12 year old cry? Why are you so cruel towards my son"

"He is not your son------"


"Did you just shout at me? How dare you shout at your own father!"

"Father? Father.......hahaha......if you were a Father you would not have treated a child like the way you just did"

"I did what was right!"

" did what satisfies you. Do you think this child deserves your scrutiny and harsh words. Is this how you teach others on how to treat kids? Few years back I was so proud to be your were my Idol, you were my everything since mom passed away. But now.....I don't feel proud at all. Seeing you harassing my son like this.....I wish I never knew you"

A look of shock passes through Mr Shen's face. But the shock washes off as he sees the painful expression on Wei's face. Mr Shen loved Wei to death. He felt as if he has completely lost his son now. He couldn't do anything to get his son back. He was defeated, the 12 year long battle has ended and he could clearly see that he lost everything in Wei's eyes.

Wei took hold of Riju and turned around. Mr Shen took a step forward calling out to his son. "Weii...."

Wei does not turn back, he just speaks his final words "Goodbye father....stay healthy"

And just like that Wei walk away with Riju and Yunlan, Peng Qui following behind them. Guaying stands at a far end and looks with a sad eyes as he sees Wei and Mr Shen's final argument.


Riju was sleeping in Wei's arms in the back seat. Whereas Yunlan was riding along with Qui beside him. Riju had a tight grip on Wei's shirt as if afraid Wei will disappear if he lets go.

"Was my father too hard Qui?"

"He indeed was, he spoke very ill of Riju. If Riju had not stopped me I would have killed your Father....I am sorry"

" wonder.....Riju never wanted to hurt his Grandpa. Even though he receives so much hate, he still loves his Grandpa. He would say this is how his Grandpa shows his love for him."

"Riju told me how you adopted him and how he was born"

"Yeah? He never shares anything personal with anyone than me. I am surprised he told you"


"Looks like he trusts you more than me"

"No, he loves you more than me. He kept worrying about you instead of enjoying the ride with me. He didn't mean to run away, I tried to make him understand but he wouldn't listen. I couldn't do anything than to take him along with me"

"I was worried when I thought he is with you. But after seeing how you protected him from my Father you must love Riju a lot"

"I am ready to do anything for Riju, I will always protect him from odds. Wei ýe ýe, please allow me to court Riju.....I promise you I won't cross the line until he is of age."

"If you promise that....than I approve of your relationship with my son. Just take care of him"

"Thank you! And I will!"

Wei smiles and looks at Yunlan in the rear mirror. He could see Yunlan looking at him with soft and approving eyes.


Riju wakes up with a slight head ache. He looks confused to see himself in his own room. But then everything comes back as a old time movie and he realizes the situation. He hears some laughter down the stairs so he walks down to find Peng Qui and Wei in the kitchen laughing at some jokes and Yunlan sitting in a looking at them fondly.

The scenario confused him to hell. Peng Qui and his papa standing together, preparing food together and laughing together. Also Yunlan not being jealous of them being together. What the hell happened when he was asleep?


" are must be hungry....I'll set the table for you....."

"Wait papa!"

"What is it Riju?"

"What is going on here?"

"I am preparing your dinner"

"No, I mean what is going on here with you, Qui and Yunlan in a same room laughing?"

"Oh this! Hahaha......we have come to terms  with each other. We don't fight anymore"

"Does that mean you???"

"Might be!"

"Papa is this for real?" Riju asks in excitement.

Wei chuckles at his son's behavior "It sure is!"

Riju runs and hugs Wei "Thank you Papa! Thank you so much!"

"You are welcome! But, I have one condition"

"Yes, anything?"

"No....itchy stuffs till you are old enough"

"Whaaaat? But papa....."

"Peng Qui has agreed to it"

Riju looks at Qui with a glaring look "I want to stay with you Riju so I accepted it"

"Riju....if you don't agree to this I will cancel the peace treaty with Peng Qui"

"No Papa.....I agree...we won't do itchy stuffs"


" old enough"

" let's all have dinner....come on"

Riju grumpily follows Wei and other's find it amusing.

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