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I wish there was a proper way to thank you.



Why did he need me to come alone?

I tried forgetting about what just happened and hurried over to my brother. I was a few minutes late for the lesson and Madam Rolanda Hooch scolded me for it.
"Next time you're late it's detention miss Malfoy."

I looked down at the floor, embarrassed.
The lesson started, but was soon interrupted when Neville hurt himself and Madam Rolanda Hooch has to take him to the infirmary.

We all stood alone, holding our brooms trying to figure out how to work them. Until suddenly, I glanced over to my right to see Draco towering over Harry.

I rushed over to them to see what my idiot brother was going to do this time.
"Leave him alone Draco." I grunted.

Draco payed no attention to me and focused his eyes on Harry.
"Remember what I said earlier Pottah? When we get outside I'm going to rearrange your head to your ass." Draco raged.

"You won't touch me because you'll get expelled." Harry boasted.

Draco pushed Harry to the ground and stood over him.
"I won't what?" he mocked.

Harry quickly picked himself up and pushed back at Draco.
Draco's eyes widened and his lips formed into a thin line.
He looked at Harry like he was a mouse ready to be pounced on.

"You're gonna pay for that-" Draco growled as he tackled Harry to the floor.
They started beating at each other like two cats in a cat fight, and everyone around them gasped and started laughing.

"Stop it you two." A tall, ginger haired boy came over to where they were fighting.

"Seriously you're making a fool out of yourself." another tall, ginger haired boy that looked exactly like the other.
One of them picked Harry up, and the other picked Draco up.

"Fred and George to the rescue." they both gloated at the same time.

"Just wait until my father hears about this." Draco roared as he tried squirming out of Fred's grip.
Fred and George eventually let them go and they both had scratches all over their faces.

"You've messed up my face you birdbrained idiot." Draco bellowed at Harry.

"It was already messed up before I touched it-" Harry snarled.

"Enough you two." I blurted.
Everyone's eyes roamed over to me as I slowly walked up to my brother.
I tugged on his robe and pulled him away from everyone.
"Really? What was that for?" I hissed.

"Why do you think?" he snapped.

"Draco." I sighed, knowing I had to eventually tell him the truth.


"It wasn't Harry who hurt my wrist." I gulped.

Draco raised his eyebrows and squinted his eyes at me.
"What do you mean it wasn't Harry? You told me it was Harry-"

"It was Tom." I blurted.

His lip quivered and his cheeks started to turn red with anger.
"What?" he screeched.

Then I quickly remembered what Tom would do if he knew I told Draco, so I tried calming him down.
"Draco. You need to listen to me very carefully-"

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