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Dear amazing people,
Don't forget to vote and comment 😊
Happy reading!



"I would not wish any companion in the world but you."

-William Shakespeare-

Life was beautiful, whatever you dreamed or want you could got and had. Or it could be bad, when whatever you had and dreamed about lost from your grasp and your life.

"Off, save page three hundred." Sarah, thirty years old woman, commanded to turn off the screen of the digital book she just read. Life was mystery, she thought about the book.

"Prepare the next series, number eleven, for tomorrow. It's seven in the morning, I have to go to work. "

In 3000, the technology became more sophisticated, books in this era were almost the same shape as it used to be, the difference was that each sheet was made of a very thin screen like paper, but not paper, it was like computer screen.

You don't need to turn each page by hand when you want to move to the next page, only need to order by voice and don't need a bookmark, just use the "next" and "save page" commanded and if we want to read it a few hours later or the next day just say "open the last page and start reading".

Also if you feel curious or confused about a word or place or something, the screen contained the text would changed to displayed information or explanation of the word, place or illustration of the problem or topic or whatever you want to know. When you were lazy to read, but you were very curious about the next story, you only needed to order the story to become a film or just the voices of the characters in the story.

"Ugh, so hot," Sarah said, while wiped her hair and sweat on her forehead.

The weather in England 2, the second UK country, was always hot in March, even if you were indoors. However, once again technology was very sophisticated and helped. The air in the house and the clothes Sarah wore turned cool after she said those words.

"Oh, and please prepare dinner at eight thirty. Mega chocolate cake, rendang, mango juice and cold water. Single, medium. Thanks."

Life, she thought with smile, was absolutely wonderful.



Hey, how are you?

It's been a loong looooong day since I wrote last story in Wattpad. Maybe one year ago?

And I know it! I know I miss this feeling, this euphoria when I write in Wattpad again.

I feel aliiiiiive!

Hey ...

I am back!

I bring something new.

I bring something special.

New characters.

New story.

(New me)

For you, readers! ❤

I'd love to know what your responds about this new story.

As always and forever, you free to give vote and comment in my story.

Yeay! 😊


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