Her Story

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“This,” Tanya, Sarah's best friend who has green eyes and purple hair, gave a box to Andres who looked messy and miserable. Tanya came to Andres's house and saw Desiana stood by the window with her hand stroked her bulged belly.

"What is this?" asked Andres with a confused looked.

"Sarah." Tanya just said that. She saw Biscuit who suddenly laid on her feet and she was
surprised when realized that the fat Biscuit looked thin, and seemed like Andres, looked messy and sad. "It seems Biscuit hasn't been live well lately," she sarcastically said to Andres and then Desiana, who looked pretty and --what the hell-- jealous.

Tanya glared at Andres and Desiana. “Looks like you, especially you, Desiana, look happier than Biscuit who is known as the happiest and friendliest creature on this earth. Well, before the previous owner left." And -- Oh my God --Biscuit lost one of his eyes! Tanya realized, felt mad and sad. Broken. What if Sarah knew ... After that, Tanya left.

At midnight, Andres went to his private office which was located twenty meters from the main bedroom. "Play this video," he ordered urgently.

A large picture appeared in the middle of the room, Sarah sat in a park and wore a yellow shirt and white pants, her short-straight hair was blew in the wind, then a voice heard.

“I knew he is the man I wanted when I saw him on the event and I prayed to God to make me his. My prayers were granted, he asked me to marry and move to his house in New Athens. The place is beautiful, especially the house, the part I like the most is the room which is our room. The view is beautiful from our window, but what made the room the best part and I liked because it is where our story began. I know I love him and he loves me too."

The video turns dark before finally the visual of Sarah, who was now wore a white dress, was seen sat in the same place, Andres doesn't know where that place actually was because this was the first time he's seen the park.

"I'm very happy with him and I think he feels the same way, too." Sarah's voice described the happiness she felt. "We often walk around New Athens or other countries when Andres has a less busy schedule. We did romantic dinners, reading books, but actually I read for both of us."

Andres heard Sarah laughed, giggled, and suddenly felt his heart squeezed so hard, it hurted.

"Andres invites me to do things he likes, dangerous sports, and it's enough just once I feel it. I hope he doesn't do those dangerous sports too often. He doesn't know that I was secretly crying when he did that dangerous sports and I was terrified when I saw or knew he was hurt because of what he did or just imagined the risk."

Andres did not know that Sarah was very affected by the dangerous sports he did because Sarah always smiled or laughed when she saw him did these things. Regretfully and annoyed, Andres grabbed his messed and longer black hair.

It's been two weeks Sarah has been gone and he felt so chaotic and empty, that even Desiana's presence couldn't heal the heartbreak he felt, comfort his sadness, calm his heart and mind, and filled the emptiness and loneliness he felt. Not at all, thought Andres with a shock when he realized this. His reverie was divided when Sarah's voiced called him.

"Andres, where are you?"

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