Lukas x Seafoam (roostfur, join our fanfic cult)

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So my last fanfic was actually much better than I originally thought it was. I will forever be proud of that deep banana joke and "polygamous soulmates." But I'll still say this is so bad. Cursed still. But still bad.

Also, thanks for all the votes??? We're #74 ranked on the cursed tag out of FOUR THOUSAND BOOKS. WHY??? WHY???


"Remember when I told you how I despised Crimson Eyes when we first met?" Lukas asked Seafoam. They lied on the grass under the beaming moonlight.

"Yes, heheheeheh," he snorted. "I never took what you said to heart. I knew you would change your mind. I'm too sexy for your own good."

Sexy, you are, Lukas thought, for he would never say that sentence out loud.

Seafoam went on. "At least I didn't have to finger the folds of your tiny brain for it to happen."

Well, that's Seafoam alright. He monologued as if multiple people could read his mind, which was definitely not an insane thought. He's weird like that. He is far from a people person...He's a cats cat. He comes off as manic, but that's only because he's afraid of love. Afraid to love. He doesn't deserve to be. Heck! I don't even deserve him.

Lukas flashed a smile of fake disgust after that train of thought and said, "Thanks for that image, you fuck."

"It is my pleasure," he laughed.

A few seconds of Tranquil (heh) silence passed by. However, the mental silence between them was nonexistent. Their minds were alive with admiration for one another.

Seafoam's head was in the clouds. I hope Lukas understands that my love for him is more than what I'll ever have for myself. But I hate myself. Sooooo, maybe the sentiment isn't much. But it's supposed to mean a lot! He turned his head to the side and smirked away from Lukas. Hm, I love this floofy bitch exuberantly and I don't like it.   

Lukas was feeling the same way. I hate myself, but at least I love Seafoam. And now, I love his eyes. As a former Crimson-killer, I have retired myself of my old ways and admire them. I stare into those...crimson...eyes and I'm always reminded of my sins. Of my past. It's because of Seafoam that I am no longer sinful. I have ascended into eternal enlightenment. I can never thank him enough.

Being brave, Lukas decided to break the ice. "...So, now that we're a couple and all, we should be doing...couple stuff, right?"

"Like..?" Seafoam questioned back.


"-killing bodies and skinning their fur for suits?" he interrupted, completely sure that was the answer. In which, of course, it wasn't. "Ooh! I know who should first! Let's do Thunder-"

"Okay, first of all, no, you psycho." He contorted his face into a monstrous gag. "Second of all, what? Who?"

"N-nevermind," he stuttered. "I forgot we don't share the same extracurricular activities. If normal stuff is what we're talking about, I'm all mouth."

"Ah," he exhaled, expecting a weird statement like that. "You need therapy."

"I know, hahahehehoha!" He laughed, echoing the forest atmosphere with what sounded like choking.

"But...." Lukas blushed. "That's exactly why I...I love you."

Seafoam fully turned around, surprise showcased in his eyes. Even beneath his pelt, he could sense the cheeks going crimson and the air around them getting warmer.

Lukas was lost in a state of daydreaming, contrasting the starry nighttime view. The moonlight that shined on Seafoam's pelt reflected and complemented his features perfectly.

Look at that. Lukas admired the scene. A puny feline like me doesn't deserve to behold this! It's a perfect picture of beauty. Night has never served a greater purpose. The moonlight on his mint green and gray fur.... He looks like a deity! Well, he already is one on earth. Or whatever fucking planet we are on, I don't know.

Little did Lukas know, but Seafoam was also admiring the same thing. Sexy beast. I said I was the sexy one, but that was a total lie. Look at the moonlight on his fucking fur! The yellow, the black, the green! He's glowing!  I want to cuddle him and definitely not skin him, heheheh! No, seriously, I want to cuddle him and hug him and tell him how much he means to me. But I can't do that! It's out of my character!

Around the same time, they both realized they were staring into each other for way too long.

Astounded by the quiet and disturbed by the internal riot, Lukas confessed, "You're deranged, but loveable and unique. I'm thrilled you are my boyfriend." He choked up a bit, having tears in his eyes. This final sentence would be a bit difficult to admit. "It's because of you...that I'm no longer a racist."

Seafoam started to choke up too. Tears formed on the corners of his vision. "It's because of you...that I no longer feel ashamed...for shipping Sirus and Moss."

"...No, I'll still hate you for that. Go eat my eyeballs and stir up a bloodbath instead."

Seafoam grinned. "Oh, indeed I will! With you as my main meal!"

And together, they laughed and laughed and laughed across the great lake horizon that just formulated in front of their eyes and was never there in the first place, only because the author thought that sentence was cool.


Okay, that's all for today. I don't know what ship I wanna do next. We'll vote on it!

In the meantime, have fun, and stay safe from me lol. >:)

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