Lukas x Moss (yes, we're still doing this)

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This is gonna be the last idea I have for a while, unfortunately. But on the flip side, I get to go to school in person again! (yay?) This is how bad the pandemic is. It makes me miss school.

Well, since I know we all hate it, here's a piece of cursed while we're at it, hm?

(picture credits to Randy, or whatever)


Moss and Lukas sat under a tree. Like in those nursery rhymes.

"We are much compatible, don't you think, Lukas?" Moss asked.

"Hehe, damn right we are!" He proclaimed as if he were bragging to the world. "More than enough, if I humbly say so myself!"

"Actually, according to my calculations, we are just the right amount of compatible. We are opposites. The fact that you feel and I don't already set out fate in stone."

"...Right...," Lukas said, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, how are you, my sweet pea." Despite what this may seem like, his tone was very genuine.

"I am delinquent. How about you?"

(I feel like I originally meant to write delightful, but I'm keeping this, that's gold.)

Lukas flashed his biggest smile. "I'm spectacular, fabulous, exquisite. Perfection." He licked his lips, thinking about being a cannibal again.

"Actually," Moss looked away, trying miserably not to blush, "according to my calculations-"

"Okay! Okay, don't do that again!" He brushed his fur as he were a model and spoke in a fluttery voice. "Let me indulge in my ego!"

"If you say so, Lukas." Moss knew that he couldn't tell this loser what to do.

"Hehe, I'm drifting on the clouds with my boyfriend by my side. How much greater can life get?"

His words came out like the speed of light, "According to my calculations, we're highly likely to adopt our own children, since we as males cannot reprodu-"

"Oh my god, ew!" He jumped back and stuck his tongue out. "That was a rhetorical question! Shut!"

" apologies," he said, thinking that was a normal thing to say. "I did not mean to hurt you with biology."

"I know." He shook his head, dazed about the events that just occurred. "Whatever, it's all good. ...I do want children. I'll be the greatest father ever!" he declared with a paw to his chest.

"...What you started is wrong because-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence." Lukas snarled.


Here we have Lukas in his natural habitat. Here he demonstrates his intense love for himself.

Ok, that's all for today! Bye!

- Emblem

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