Lukas x Shard (i can't believe i wrote this before Lukas x Moss)

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I. Am. So. Tired. Again. I hate school, and more specifically I hate math. Why am I in a College Algebra Course for fuck's sake?

Also, assume Lukas doesn't actually know if Shard's a Sheere Eye or not.


"So you're most likely a crimson eye, right?" Lukas asked Shard as they stared into the backs of each other's heads.

"...I can not specify that," Shard replied, his face blank.

"Why not?" he asked again, desperate for a more emotional answer afterwards. "I thought you loved me. I thought you could tell me anything."

"I cannot," he stated regrettably. "I fear you may judge me afterwards."

"In all honesty," he said, "I judge everyone. But Crimson Eyes? Nah. My previous boyfriend Seafoam was a Crimson Eye, and he has taught me the ways of Crimson love and acceptance. Because he was once mine, the eyes of the precious race to behold means the world to me."

He continued to emit a blank, expressionless stare. "If you felt such great connection towards this Seafoam, why did you depart from him?" Whether he was genuinely curious or not was a mystery.

"Because he's part psycho," he answered. "At first, I loved him for that. It made him unique. Special. ...But I feared for my life, and that's saying something! He shipped-" He dropped his volume down, about to tell a forbidden truth "-Sirus and Moss."

Shard's face contorted. "Oh...god."

"See!" He stretched his paws forward like he was showcasing something magnificent. "It's so disturbing it gets a reaction out of you!"

"Yes." He stuck his tongue out. "That is new. As the current prince, I demand you to never mention that to me ever again," he so demanded.

"Yep!" Lukas winked. "I definitely won't." He initiated finger guns and pointed them at Shard.

"Never do that to me again," he demanded once again.



My eyelids are drooping below my face, I feel like I can feel it. I am big tired.

Hope y'all enjoyed the short fanfic again! For some reason, this collection is getting rewards. 


But also, yay???

But thanks.

- Emblem

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