Chapter One

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June 24

0300 Hours

Ben's Room

It's not usually normal to wake up with people pointing guns at your head, yet I was experiencing it.

The worst part of it was that all my best friends from spy school were doing it. Erica Hale, the most talented spy at spy school, was sitting looking straight at me pointing her gun at me. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She also never considered having friends because she said that they ruin missions, but in the past year she has considered me as close as a friend as I would get. And now I could see in her eyes a look of disappointment.

Next up was Zoe Zibbel, she now worked for the DADD and should have been in Florida, but somehow she was standing behind Erica. Her face was in disbelief and it looked like she had just cried.

Mike, my best friend since first grade, was sitting in a chair next to my bed(which to be honest, felt a little more like cement). I tried to face him, but he wouldn't look at me.

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" I looked at my clock, it said 6 am, but again it's broken and is forwarded three hours. So it was 3 am.

"Don't play dumb," Erica spoke very quietly but her voice still started cracking, and I could hear that if she talked any louder she would start crying. Then she started to talk a little louder, trying to control her emotions. "This is what's happening, Ben. You act all nice like you are on our side, and then we discover you aren't. We discover that you've been with SPYDER all along. I should have known Ben, you are no better than Joshua Hallal." That last statement hurt me. Bad. Joshua Hallal was a former student at spy school and was now working with SPYDER, an evil organization that causes chaos and mayhem. The point is, is that Joshua Hallal was a friend to Erica. Maybe even more than that. But one day he betrayed her. He betrayed the CIA. He betrayed everyone. And now I was being called worse than him. I still didn't understand any of this.

"Me! With SPYDER. What made you think of that?"

"This!" Zoe opened her computer and pulled up a video of my old middle school.

"That's my old middle school. What would I be doing there?"

"I don't know. Why don't you explain that to us." Zoe responded.

"For real, I wasn't there. I haven't been there since our last mission."

"Show him the video," Erica demanded. "Everyone stay quiet."

Zoe started the video. It showed security camera footage. Then someone entered the school. The principal said good morning to the student. Then an entire group of people entered behind him. The security camera footage changed to show the gym. The group of people looked like they were inspecting the gym. They all took out what looked like bombs and put them in a box. Then I saw it. My face paled. I stopped breathing for a second. A person turned around. It was Murray Hill, my nemesis, but he was with someone else. He was with me. Murray and "I" went out the door that led to the field. The cameras switched again. Now we saw a clip from outside the school. It showed Murray and "I" digging up the dirt from one of the planted trees and put at least five bombs in the hole and then dug it back up again.

"I wasn't there I swear. Erica you know I wasn't there. Our last mission ended a week ago, and the CIA hasn't let me leave this place since because of security reasons. Now that we know there is another organization out there, they don't want to risk it."

"Look, Ben, I've snuck out off-campus with you many times. Maybe somehow you remembered how to do it and did it for yourself."

"No, I-" Zoe cut me off.

"Just stop Ben there's nothing you can do because we all saw the video. Come on guys let's just go." Zoe said.

As they all left I saw something in Erica. I saw doubt. She was hesitant to leave. Just for a fraction of a second, she stayed. And then left. I had to find a way to prove I didn't do this, but how?

Before I even knew what I was doing I said, "Erica wait!"

She didn't even stop. She just kept walking so I had to run. I ran after her. I grabbed her arm and before I knew what I was doing I was pulling her arm and not letting go. But I forgot that Erica is one of the best in Self-Preservation 101. She grabbed my wrist and threw me over her back. I landed flat on the ground. The wind had been knocked out of me. I looked up at the ceiling for a while until I caught my breath. Then Erica's face appeared in my view. She then said, " Don't try me, Ben."

Then she left.

I walked back to my "room." I felt defeated. No one believed me. Not even my friends. Not even Erica. 


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