Lesson Prolouge - Eh?

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(Y/n) POV

(For any of you newbies coming to my account, go check out My Yandere Girlfriend on my profile. It's complete.)

It's 2126 and the game Yggdrasil is currently coming to an end.

My name is (Y/n) Satoru. My older brother is Suzuki Satoru but, we don't talk much. We haven't spoken a lot after mom died..

He leaves me meals though so that's nice. Unfortunately I'm- what's the word? Affection-starved? I think that's what it was. I'm quite clingy to people that are nice and I really like being held—whether it's a hug or cuddles, I'm all for it!—and treated like a baby. Maybe that's because I'm still like a baby.

Even though I'm only 6, I'm quite smart. Most people think that I can't understand deep and meaningful things but they're wrong- really wrong.

Anyway, in this game—Yggdrasil—I play as a Wendigou. I spent almost a years allowance and birthday money to get the pass.

Being a Wendigou pretty much means you can transform into other people. It uses a lot of mana though—thankfully I played a lot and leveled up to level 100 so it doesn't affect me that much—but it doesn't matter. You can also use that persons abilities and copy their stats. Though, that options optional to the user. That's why it cost so much and it was only out for a limited time.

It makes my avatar look like a deer- sort of. I have the antlers of one but I also have a long skull mask—like the skull of a deer— on my face. I can take it off but the mask is able to hide my mana level from mages, so I tend not to.

Though, my face underneath is similar to a human. I have red eyes and (H/c) hair. My face is all scratched up though but that's the add on for becoming a Wendigou. I tried to refine my character as much as I could so that I could look "human" enough but it still has some cons. Like my stomach.

Wendigou's need to eat a lot. We usually eat meat but we can eat herbs- it just doesn't do a lot. For example, if I lift up my shirt then you can see my ribs. It looks like I haven't eaten in years.

Another add on for a Wendigou are scars. My skin is literally all just scars. Some big and some small, but there is barely any room where my skin isn't covered with scars.

I wear a lot of clothes to the point where my head is the only thing visible. I even wear gloves.

It's not that I'm ashamed of my avatar- I just want to shock players. Like when I take off my coat and you see my arms covered in scars it's like, 'Surprise!' It's quite fun.

I think that's enough about me- let's start about Yggdrasil.

My older brother- or as I like to call him, 'Broboo.' I know.. it's weird. But I used to call him that all the time when I was a baby. I guess I never grew out of it. And since no one ever corrected me, I've just grown attached to it.

Broboo doesn't know that I play Yggdrasil and would probably get mad if he learned I'm also in the same guild as him.

The "Great Tomb of Nazarick" is what our creation is called. We all worked super hard to build it. The guild itself though is called, "Ainz Ooal Gown". We have 42 guild members—including me—and only one knew that I wasn't an adult.

I use a voice changer to change my voice to an older one. Though my height caused a lot of confusion in the beginning. I'm 3'9, my real life height. I made my character that same height and told people, 'I wanted to look different and surprise people that I was a Wendigou.' Wendigou's in Yggdrasil are known for their tall heights- so me being 3'9, was strange.

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