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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Age: 17
Likes: Protecting friends, beating up the perverted duo, changing others, training.
Dislikes: Perverts, bullies, people thinking he's inferior, seeing Rias with another man, seeing his friends hurt.
Personality: Protective, mean streak, athletic, bold, vicious (in battle), confident, clever, strategic.


Your Backstory:When you were still a baby you were left at a orphanage, the caretakers didn't take good care of you when you were a kid and you were bullied

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Your Backstory:
When you were still a baby you were left at a orphanage, the caretakers didn't take good care of you when you were a kid and you were bullied. All of this drove you to go into town to steal from those who deserve it. At time you would get caught only for you to get away at times other times you got caught. All the pain from the beating given by the caretakers led you to running away from the orphanage. Throughout the years you fended for yourself until you were able to spend your stolen money on all sorts of essentials including a roof over your head, school supplies and food.

Skills that (Y/N) has:
Expert at hand to hand combat
Master strategist
Expert Swordsman
Quick reflexes

Dragon: Haikai, the Black Dragon of Chaos

Dragon: Haikai, the Black Dragon of Chaos

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Your Sacred Gear:

Your Balance Breaker

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Your Balance Breaker

Your Juggernaut Drive:

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Your Juggernaut Drive:

Juggernaut Drive Spell:I who shall awaken,In the Chaos and Destruction,From the Chaos brought on the battlefield,Who shall release the power inside,From the blood of my enemies,JUGGERNAUT DRIVE!!!

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Juggernaut Drive Spell:
I who shall awaken,
In the Chaos and Destruction,
From the Chaos brought on the battlefield,
Who shall release the power inside,
From the blood of my enemies,

Backstory of Haikai:
Haikai was born since the beginning of time influencing the tides of battle in history. Haikai yearned for battle and a worthy challenge from anyone who found him to no avail. Then the great war begun and in their last moments alive God and Satan sealed Haikai into a Sacred gear that was never to be used. Until now.

Powers of black dragon emperor:
Shadow walking
Boost x2-x4 (every five seconds)
Shadow controlling
Blood manipulation
Power absorption
Dragon shot
Super speed
Super strength
Heightened senses
High durability
Full counter
Time Stop (for 120 seconds)

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