Chapter 2

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When the transportation circle got to it's destination the members of the ORC looked at their surroundings to see they were in a large field "Rias where are we" Issei asked "we are at a training field owned by the house of Gremory we can go all out" Rias said as looked towards Kiba. He knew exactly what this meant and so he walked to a area of the field and stretched his two arms out, (Y/N) was suprised to see two sword appear in his hands "since we don't know what you're Sacred Gear can do Kiba will give you a sword for just this match" Rias said as Kiba threw it at the ground. (Y/N) walked to where the sword was stuck in the ground and grabbed the hilt but not before summoning his Sacred Gear, but once he grabbed the hilt of the sword (Y/N) felt a pain in his head as multiple visions went into his head. The visions showed a black armoured figure with the same gauntlet as (Y/N), as the figure was battling a large amount of forces trying to stop him but the armoured figure repelled his enemies "Hakai time to end this" said the figure as a large dark orb was summoned and he threw it to the ground and destroyed everything including himself.

When the pillar faded (Y/N) was seen on his knees "(Y/N) are you okay" Rias said as concern in her voice as (Y/N) giggled. Then he stood up "I am fine so Kiba shall we start if that is okay with you Rias" (Y/N) said as she nodded. (Y/N) took a stance "start" Rias said as Kiba disappeared and tried to slice him only for (Y/N) to stop it. (Y/N) kicked Kiba away "time to duel" (Y/N) said as he ran at Kiba and went on the offensive "he certainly is good it's like he trained in swordsmanship" Akeno said as the others continued spectating.

Then (Y/N)'s Sacred Gear glowed "Transform" A deep voice said as the sword glowed a very deep red that made everyone cover their eyes. When the glow faded it showed that the sword had transformed into a gold hilt sword with a red gem on it, and a black blade with red writing on it.

(Y/N) smirked "what do you say Kiba ready to test this sword out" (Y/N) said "is that alright president?" Kiba said looking at Rias

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(Y/N) smirked "what do you say Kiba ready to test this sword out" (Y/N) said "is that alright president?" Kiba said looking at Rias. Rias looked at the sword in (Y/N)'s hand then spoke "no that is enough for today let's go everyone, Akeno" Rias said as Akeno summoned a transportation circle. Everyone went through it but not (Y/N) "so your name is Hakai, the Black dragon of Chaos huh nice to meet you partner" (Y/N) said as he walked through the transportation circle.

When the ORC made it back there was a letter on the desk "it's from the Archduke there is a stray Devil causing trouble near us" Akeno said as she read the letter. Rias looked at everyone "do you all still have some fight left?" Rias asked "yes president" said everyone as Akeno prepared a transportation circle. Then everyone went through it, once through they saw they were outside a abandoned building "so a stray devil is someone who abandoned their master" (Y/N) said "right and this devil lures humans just to steal their lifeforce" Kiba said as (Y/N) and Issei summoned their Sacred Gear. Then they went inside as there was no one to be seen "where is the Stray?" Issei said "well look at this a gathering of sluts and three rats" said a male voice as a figure was revealed. It was a man with black hair, brown eyes, and white skin he was wearing a grey trench coat, black trousers and blood soaked shoes "Marcel Grigori you have been branded a stray return to your master or face death by the hands of the Marque of Gremory" said Rias as Marcel laughed hard. 

When he stopped laughing he had a psychotic look on his face "the last devils who came here talked to me like that I ripped them in half" said Marcel as everyone got ready to attack. But surprisingly Marcel transformed into a weird looking scorpion like creature "get ready to die fools" Marcel said as he charged "Kiba" Rias said "on it!" said Kiba as he ran towards the Stray. Kiba blocked an attack from Marcel's hands now transformed into claws and slashed upwards leaving a huge scar on the Stray. Rias then looked at (Y/N) and Koneko "would you two Rooks care to step in" Rias said "of course president" said (Y/N) and Koneko as the two charged forward.

Kiba jumped back to allow them to fight Koneko avoided Marcel's next attack by sliding under him then punched him which sent him flying into the wall. The Stray then climbed on the wall using his scorpion legs "eat this idiots" Marcel said as he fired multiple lightning magic orbs at everyone, they all dodged the attacks except for (Y/N). (Y/N)'s clothes were scorched so (Y/N) ripped it off revealing his muscles then he summoned his sword "okay bug boy my turn" (Y/N) said as he used fire magic and infused it into the sword "feel the burn motherfucker" (Y/N) said as he sent a wave of fire upwards towards the stray. The attack connected as Marcel fell to the ground "Issei care to help Akeno enjoy her time, your up Akeno" Rias said "really it's my turn oh I'm gonna enjoy this" Akeno said as she prepared her lightning magic.

Meanwhile Issei prepared for a transfer by boosting his power and once he was ready "Ddraig it's time" Issei said "Transfer!" Ddraig said as Akeno had a green glow around her. Then Akeno fired her magic "so it's lughtning magic she specialises in" (Y/N) said "indeed although she does get off on this" Rias said "you mean" (Y/N) said "yeah she is into S&M" Rias said as Akeno licked her hands. After a while the stray was completely scorched " alright that's enough Akeno" Rias said "aww I was having so much fun" Akeno said as she walked over to the other ORC members. Rias walked to the stray "so any last words?" Rias said "" the stray said as he his head was suddenly chopped off "she is no bitch... she is Rias Gremory" (Y/N) said as the strays body got absorbed into the sword. Issei was the first to speak "what the hell!" Issei said "what he was beyond redemption he deserved what he got" (Y/N) said as he sent his sword into his own pocket dimension "I'll prepare a transportation circle to the club room" Akeno said as a transportation circle appeared.

Everyone stepped in it as they all disappeared back to the ORC, once they were back everyone went back home one by one but before (Y/N) could leave Rias spoke up "hey (Y/N) stay here for a second" Rias said as he sat down. She had a serious look on her face "I have been looking at the history books for any info on your sacred gear only to find nothing but maybe you could help" Rias said "okay ask away" (Y/N) said as he readied himself for the questions she had.

~Timeskip to after the questions~
After the questions (Y/N) made his way home as a familiar voice was heard "you could have exposed everything I built to keep secret" said Hakai "yes but I didn't instead I kept secret about how you and I can contact each other and any other important secrets" (Y/N) said as he continued his way home. Once there he walked to his bedroom and fell asleep.

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