Chapter 1

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The sun was shinning as (Y/N) had woken up as (Y/N) rubbed his head "ah man what happened last night?" (Y/N) said as he saw that he was naked "what the hell" (Y/N) said as he covered himself. (Y/N) then felt the bed move as he fell off the bed "what the who's in my bed?" (Y/N) said as the figure got up. It was revealed to be Rias Gremory and just like (Y/N) she was "Rias ... you're naked!" (Y/N) said as he pointed at her. Rias just remained calm "yes I am so is this your usual reaction when you wake up" Rias said "well I'm just shocked that we both are naked, wait did we?" (Y/N) said as he had a worried expression on his face.

Rias stood up "don't worry we didn't do it I'm still a virgin" Rias said as (Y/N) took a breath of relief. (Y/N) then put on some trousers and a shirt "okay Rias what happened between yesterday and now?" (Y/N) said "well you were attacked by a Fallen Angel and killed" Rias said as (Y/N) had a 'what' expression. Rias smiled "I can tell you aren't believing me so why don't you check your tummy" Rias said as (Y/N) turned around and lifted his shirt to look at his stomach which revealed a big scar at his stomach.

He went wide eyed "whoa that is a big one" (Y/N) said as he turned towards Rias only to see her putting on her bra "I'm sorry I didn't mean to look" (Y/N) said "you are different to the rumours about you, but could you get this" Rias said "what do you mean? and what rumours are said?!!! but regarding your bra sure" (Y/N) said as this outburst made Rias giggle a little. (Y/N) helped Rias with her bra and when Rias turned around she then Rias grew a serious expression "but regarding the attack on you the Fallen one who attacked you, she left you severely injured so I had to resurrect you into a devil" Rias said as she released Devil wings as to prove she was telling the truth. Then Devil wings appeared on (Y/N)'s back "looks like you aren't lying but we should have breakfast I'll cook" (Y/N) said as he left to leave Rias to change into her clothes. (Y/N) was cooking sausages, eggs, and toast with orange juice when Rias came into view "I see you live alone has it always been like this for you?" Rias said "well I have been an orphan since I was a baby and had to fend for myself since I was thirteen years old" (Y/N) said as he put the breakfast down.

After breakfast (Y/N) and Rias were seen walking to Kuoh Academy together "oh man look at that jerk walking with our queen" said a male student "I know why does he get the hot chicks first it was Koneko and now it's Rias what about us" said a male student as the comments angered (Y/N). (Y/N) dropped his bag as this tensed the guys then at a fast speed he grabbed the two guys making the comments "listen here you lowlife douchebags no girl is an object they are people so don't treat them like they are objects or I will hunt you down and take two kendo swords an shove them up your ass GOT IT!!" (Y/N) said as he let the two go. The two ran off as (Y/N) grabbed his bag and continued walking with Rias "seeing as we have separate classes now, at the end of class I will send Akeno to fetch you so she can bring you to the ORC okay" Rias said as (Y/N) nodded. When Rias left a new voice was heard "I suppose your the guy the girls are calling the warrior of Kuoh Academy" said a female voice as (Y/N) turned to see a with long blue hair with a yellow streaks, aqua eyes, and was wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. She began circling him "is there something I could help you with?" (Y/N) said "I just came to introduce myself I am Yui Kobayashi" Yui said as she bowed to (Y/N) "well I guess you know who I am and I would talk but I have to get to class" (Y/N) said as he left Yui but not before he left.

~Timeskip to after classes~

(Y/N) was waiting for Akeno when he felt someone cover his eyes "guess who?" said the voice "hi Akeno" (Y/N) said as he was able to see and turned around to see Akeno "you ready?" (Y/N) said as the two walked to the ORC building. When (Y/N) saw the ORC building he was sceptical on how they could work there "how can you work in there it looks like it will fall at any moment" (Y/N) said as Akeno walked forward. (Y/N) followed as she opened a door where there was a group of three people either leaning on a wall or sitting on the couch "hmm looks nicer and newer inside than it does outside" (Y/N) said as he noticed Koneko sitting on the couch and eating chocolate. (Y/N) sat across from Koneko "I didn't expect you to be in this club Koneko although there is some here I haven't met yet" (Y/N) said as the blonde haired boy walked to him and extended a handshake. (Y/N) took it "I am Kiba Yuuto nice to meet you (Y/N) (L/N)" Kiba said as (Y/N) noticed that the other guy was the pervert he let go "well well if it isn't the perv I let go of yesterday" (Y/N) said "my name is Issei Hyoudou and I still don't understand why you did that" Issei said as a door was opened.

It was Rias Gremory who entered "thank you Akeno now that everyone is here we can get started, (Y/N) as you know you and I are devils but we aren't the only ones" Rias said "I'm guessing that everyone here is a Devil as well since they are apart of the club and this is a front correct me if I'm wrong" (Y/N) said as everyone looked surprised. Rias snapped out of her shocked trance "you are right very clever now the fallen angels killed you for a reason we believe it is because you have a sacred gear" Rias said "yeah that flat chested fallen angel mentioned that but what are they?" (Y/N) said "they are special items given to humans by god in fact Issei here has one as does Kiba" Akeno said as (Y/N) looked at his arm. Koneko spoke "looks like he wants to see his own Sacred Gear lady Rias" Koneko said as Rias nodded "(Y/N) stand up for me" Rias said as (Y/N) did so. (Y/N) looked at Rias "now focus on the strongest part of your body and try to bring out your Sacred Gear" Rias said as (Y/N) looked at his right arm and closed his eyes "unknown Sacred Gear of power show yourself to me" (Y/N) said as a large red glow appeared as a grey gauntlet with a large red orb was formed. (Y/N) looked at it carefully "so do you guys have any idea what it is?" (Y/N) said "it doesn't look like anything I have seen before" Kiba said as (Y/N) looked at the others, only for them to have the same clueless face as Kiba.

Then Issei had an idea "why don't (Y/N) and Kiba have a spar so we can see what (Y/N) can do?" Issei said "good idea Issei" Akeno said as Rias opened a transportation circle. She looked at everyone "shall we go this will take us to a area for Kiba and (Y/N) to spar" Rias said as (Y/N)'s Sacred Gear disappeared. Then everyone huddled up in the circle as they suddenly disappear to the place where they will spar.

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