Chapter 3

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It has been a couple of days since the Stray Devil extermination, as (Y/N) was walking to Kuoh Academy, when he saw his teammate Issei Hyoudou "hey Issei wait up!" (Y/N) said as Issei turned around. Issei stopped "oh hey (Y/N) what's up?" Issei said "I've just been training with my Sacred gear, dealing with scumbags and perverts" (Y/N) said as Issei laughed nervously since he is a pervert himself. But then they heard a voice "ahhh" said a female voice as Issei and (Y/N) looked to see a girl fall over, but unfortunately her panties were showing so (Y/N) looked away unlike Issei who kept looking. (Y/N) smacked Issei upside the head as the girl turned around, (Y/N) was able to see what she looked like she had blonde hair, green eyes and was wearing a nun outfit with a cross around her neck.

(Y/N) decided to be a gentlemen and offered a hand to the young girl "here take my hand" (Y/N) said as she took it "oh thank you very much" said the girl in a very soft voice then a gust of wind blew as the girl's hood blew off her head. Luckily Issei had caught it 'oh man this is the pits blond and busty makes me lusty' Issei thought as he gave it to the young nun "here you go that was close" Issei said as the girl bowed as a sign of thank. The three began to walk with each other as (Y/N) and Issei learned that the nun's name is Asia Argento "so your here looking for the church?" Issei said "yes I have been assigned to the church here in this town and I ended up getting lost" Asia said as Issei and (Y/N) suddenly felt something at their arms. It didn't really hurt them just gave the two a feeling as if it was a warning system within their bodies. Luckily the feeling subsided as the church came into view "ah there it is" (Y/N) said as Asia was delighted "oh thank you so much please allow me to thank you by offering some tea" Asia said as Issei and (Y/N) looked at each other. 

Then Issei spoke "we'd love to Asia but we have to go to school" Issei said as Asia frowned "but don't worry we will see each other again promise" (Y/N) said as the two left while waving to Asia as she walked to the church. Then Hakai spoke up inside (Y/N)'s mind "you need to beware the church (Y/N) especially that one" Hakai said "why is that Hakai?" (Y/N) said Hakai told (Y/N) about what would happen to all Devils had he went in. After the explanation Hakai and (Y/N) decided to not tell Issei but instead let Rias do it which will be worth a good laugh.

~Timeskip to the ORC~

Koneko was about to bite into a snack when a loud smack was heard, it was Rias as she had just smacked Issei across the face but not (Y/N) since he had known about the church and Devil territories "you can't go near the church again Issei if you do then it will be bad for everyone and as for you (Y/N) your punishment will begin tonight" Rias said as this made even (Y/N) worried at what was going to happen. Rias went to her desk "you must understand that we if we go in there we are running the risk of disrupting the peace between the devils and angels" Rias said as she layed out summoning circles for Issei to deliver right next to her. Then Rias looked at (Y/N) "now (Y/N) you have been summoned for your first summoning request, so for this you will have to know if you can teleport since Issei's failed, Akeno if you will" Rias said as Akeno prepared a teleportation circle. Once it was ready Rias walked to (Y/N) and put a mark on his left arm "here this will prove you are a member of my household" Rias said as the mark disappeared and (Y/N) stepped inside the teleportation circle. The teleportation circle glowed as (Y/N) waved "see ya later" (Y/N) said as he disappeared "oh come on he just started and he already can teleport" Issei said as he was in tears.

~Meanwhile with (Y/N)~

The teleportation circle had just appeared at it's destination as (Y/N) had materialised "oh man what the hell is that smell?" (Y/N) said as he felt something on his shoes and so he summoned a ball of fire as he shined it on the floor since it was very dark in the house. The liquid appeared to be "blood" (Y/N) said as he readied his Sacred Gear and waited, when suddenly he heard a voice "well hello devil scum allow me to introduce myself I am Freed Sellzen, your exorcist who will be killing you tonight" Freed said as he brought out a sword made of light and a gun. Then Hakai spoke "be careful his sword will harm you very painfully" Hakai said as this made (Y/N) bring out his own sword "so you wanna dance with a devil let's dance" (Y/N) said as he readied himself. Freed pointed his gun at (Y/N) "eat this KER-BLAM!" Freed said as he fired his bullets three times, (Y/N) managed to deflect only one bullet but as for the other two they got into (Y/N)'s leg. (Y/N) felt great pain as he accidently dropped his sword "AAHH" (Y/N) said as he held his leg in pain "so how do you like that devil scum that is bullets blessed by a priest" Freed said as he prepared to fire his gun again.

When suddenly a scream was heard "AAAAHHH" said the voice as (Y/N) and Freed looked to see "Asia" (Y/N) said as Asia had a shocked expression on her face "wait you two know each other oh this is rich" Freed said as he put his hand on his face. (Y/N) looked away from Asia as she then said "(Y/N) what are you doing here?" Asia said as (Y/N) remained silent "allow me to explain Asia this scum is a Devil and it is our job to eliminate them" Freed said as Asia was wide eyed. Asia looked towards (Y/N) "(Y/N) is it-" Asia said "it's true Asia I am a Devil and so is Issei we were told to keep away from you as it could cause problems for everyone" (Y/N) said with great sorrow in his voice. Freed pointed his gun at (Y/N) "as touching as this is I'm getting bored so say goodbye Devil scum" Freed said as something unforeseen happened Asia got in Freed's way.

She had a determined look to save (Y/N) "please father forgive his sins, I know him and he is good inside" Asia said as Freed raised his sword "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" Freed shouted as he slashed Asia's clothes revealing her undergarments "AHH" Asia said as she covered herself. Then Freed slammed Asia on the wall and pinned her on the wall using a piece of fabric of Asia's clothes and Freed's sword of light, (Y/N) could only look on as Freed began groping Asia's breasts thanks to the bullet's in (Y/N)'s legs. Then (Y/N) felt something in his chest a pain of great power, a pain longing for blood, a pain to bring Chaos as a black cloud appeared on his heart. 

~Meanwhile in (Y/N)'s Mindscape~

(Y/N) saw that he was in a rocky area with no sign of any life "hello anyone here Asia, Rias anybody?" (Y/N) said as there was no answer, when suddenly a loud noise was heard "ROAR" said a creature as (Y/N) turned around. (Y/N) a large black dragon with grey scales, red eyes and a red chest "who, who are you?" (Y/N) said "you don't recognize me partner although it has been our first face to face meeting" Hakai said as (Y/N) lowered his guard. Hakai then began to shrink as his body began to change into a human form. Hakai's human form had black hair, red eyes, white skin, pointed ears, and black and purple clothes.

 Hakai's human form had black hair, red eyes, white skin, pointed ears, and black and purple clothes

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(Replace the hair and eyes with red eyes and black hair. And replace the sword with your own and ignore the butterflies.)

(Y/N) was suprised at this sudden transformation "so this is new but I am introduced to a lot of new things in my life" (Y/N) said as Hakai chuckled. Then two chairs appeared "please sit so we could be in a pickle but that is because my power can be accessed by your chaotic emotions as well as others" Hakai said as this was some sudden information. (Y/N) had as he had an idea "Hakai can we control his movements somehow?" (Y/N) said "perhaps the Boost ability from Ddraig will do" Hakai said as this piqued (Y/N)'s interest. Hakai began explaining everything about the Boost ability as the area around the two began disappearing "I'm guessing that's us then" (Y/N) said "indeed now how about we kick that bastards ass" Hakai said as (Y/N) disappeared completely.

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