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It was a bright day in Kuoh as a boy with Black hair and Aqua blue eyes wearing a white shirt, blue tie, black and white jacket, black trousers and black shoes was seen walking somewhere. This boy was (Y/N) (L/N) a (Y/H) foot 17 year old transfer student from America as he was currently walking to his new school Kuoh Academy. As (Y/N) was walking through the gates he began to hear different comments about him from the female and male students. The females were saying stuff such as "wow who's the new guy" said a female "I don't know but I hope he is single" said female #2. The male students said stuff like "oh man another pretty boy" said male #1 "I know and he is already starting to take the girls in this school at this rate we'll never get girls" said male #2 as he and the other guys were saying other stuff like that.

But (Y/N) wasn't having it "don't you all have something else to do except mintz around and gawk!!" (Y/N) said as they all scattered in different directions. Then (Y/N) walked to the office where he would get his class schedule, the Student Council Office but could not find it "hmm where is it?" (Y/N) said as he looked around. Then (Y/N) felt he was being watched so he turned around to see a red haired girl with blue eyes wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. (Y/N) felt like time had stopped "uhh...umm... who... are... you?" (Y/N) said as the girl walked down the stairs "I'm Rias Gremory, and I could help you with finding the Student Council" Rias said as (Y/N) snapped out of his trance. Rias noticed because she spoke up "so shall we?" Rias said "yeah let's go, by the way I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" (Y/N) said as the two walked to the Student Council Room. As the two were walking to the Student Council Room they found out that they had some stuff in common "so how about the scar what's the story behind that?" Rias said as this caused (Y/N) to stop walking.

This made Rias stop walking too "if it's all the same with you Rias I'd rather not talk about it" (Y/N) said as Rias responded with a heartfelt "I understand" Rias said as the two saw that they had finally made it to the Student Council Office. (Y/N) looked at Rias "well thanks for the help Rias and I hope we can hang out again" (Y/N) said as he grabbed Rias hand and kissed it, Rias blushed which (Y/N) noticed but pretended not to "goodbye (Y/N) and I hope we can hang out to" Rias said as she left (Y/N). But unaware to (Y/N), Rias sensed something within him 'whatever is in him it's powerful which makes him a target I better send Koneko to watch him' thought Rias so she can avoid the ORC's secret being found out. With (Y/N) he had just knocked on the Student Council and waited when he heard a deep voice "(Y/N)" said the voice as (Y/N) ignored it as he heard a new female voice saying "come in" said the female as (Y/N) opened the door. The inside of the Student Council Office was like any other office room at a company except smaller there was a lot of people their but (Y/N) walked up to the black haired female with glasses and pink coloured eyes sitting at a desk.

(Y/N) then spoke up "hello there I am the new student (Y/N) (L/N) here to get my schedule" said (Y/N) "ah yes here it is (Y/N) (L/N) new student from America with a bit of a mean streak we better watch out for you by the way I'm Sona Shitori the Student council President and this is Tsubaki Shinra the Student Council Vice President" Sona said as (Y/N) had a expression that showed he didn't care for his introduction. But Sona ignored this and reached into her desk "here is your schedule have a good day" Sona said as (Y/N) grabbed it and left the Student Council room but not before saying "thanks toots" (Y/N) said as he closed the door. The class he was in was class 3-C as (Y/N) opened the door completely unanounced. The class looked at (Y/N) as he entered the female teacher spoke "ah you must be the new student correct" said the teacher "yeah I am teach" (Y/N) said as he scanned the room.

(Y/N) stopped looking when he saw "well, well how is it going Rias?" (Y/N) said as the class looked at Rias with jealousy in their eyes. The teacher coughed causing the class to look at her "anyway does anyone have questions for Mr. (L/N)?" The teacher said as multiple students raised their hands. (Y/N) pointed to a student as she stood up "what's your question toots" (Y/N) said "are you single?" said female student #1 "uh well that is a personal question but yes I am single" (Y/N) said as he pointed to another student. She stood up "where did you get that scar on your cheek?" the student said as (Y/N) touched his scar. The teacher saw that (Y/N) was uncomfortable "okay that is enough (Y/N) since you know Rias why don't you sit with her" said the teacher as (Y/N) walked to his seat and sat down.

The class began as normal as (Y/N), Rias and their classmates took notes as soon enough the bell rang signalling the beginning of lunch. (Y/N) walked outside as he took out his bento lunch box which had curry rice, vegetables and meat balls in it.

As (Y/N) was eating he soon heard a voice "mind if I sit with you?" said a voice as (Y/N) looked to see a girl with white hair, amber coloured eyes, small bust and was wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform

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As (Y/N) was eating he soon heard a voice "mind if I sit with you?" said a voice as (Y/N) looked to see a girl with white hair, amber coloured eyes, small bust and was wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. (Y/N) said nothing he only nodded as the girl sat down beside him "so your (Y/N) I'm Koneko" Koneko said as (Y/N) looked at her "how do you know-" (Y/N) said "Rias she told me your name since we are in the same club" Koneko said as the two continued eating. As the two ate lunch they talked "so let me get this right there are three perverts at this school perfect" (Y/N) said "just try having one of them in your club" Koneko said as the bell rang. (Y/N) and Koneko stood up "I'll see you later Koneko it's time for gym" (Y/N) said as he walked over to the gym.

As (Y/N) was walking over to the boy's changing room he saw three boys at the back of the girls changing room "those must be the pervs Koneko talked about" (Y/N) said as he cracked his knuckles. He walked over to them "oh man check out the legs on that chick" said a bald guy "never mind the legs look at the breasts on that other girl" said the glasses wearing perv as the third guy was trying to get a peek at the 3rd year girls. (Y/N) grabbed the one trying to get a peek and stopped him from screaming by covering his mouth then whispered "if you walk away I won't beat you up only these two since I sense you are a good person" (Y/N) said as the brown haired boy nodded as (Y/N) let him go. The brown haired guy ran for it "okay who wants the first beating" (Y/N) said as the two turned to him, (Y/N) had a villanous smile on his face.

The beating of the perverted duo caused a lot of noise as the girls from inside the changing room came out in their gym clothes and ran to where the noise was coming from. (Y/N) looked at them "ah hello ladies, these two were peaking at you, there was a third but he ran away so I could only take care of these two for you" (Y/N) said as he passed them all and shot a wink to Rias. After all the drama at the girls changing room (Y/N) walked to his changing room and changed into his gym clothes then he walked to the racing track and ran around which got people's attention.

It was now the end of school as (Y/N) was walking back to his apartment building "succesful first day of school" (Y/N) said as he walked through a park which led to a shortcut to his apartment building. But before he entered the park he was handed a flyer by a girl in a red dress, she had brown hair and blue eyes. When he entered the paek suddenly the sky changed colour to purple colour and was wavy "what the heck is going on?" (Y/N) said as he was beyond confused. Then he heard a voice "so your the little human I was sent to deal with like this is so not worth my time" said a female voice as (Y/N) turned around. The voice came from a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, a fang tooth and was wearing a maid outfit "and who are you except a flat chest maid" (Y/N) said as this angered the girl.

She grew an angry face "how dare you I am Mittelt the most amazing fallen angel ever so show some respect!!" Mittelt said as she struck a pose. (Y/N) was even more confused by this fallen angel statement "uh huh and I'm god" (Y/N) said as he put his arms on his hips. Then Mittelt made a spear made of light and threw it at (Y/N) as he was in dibelief as the spear struck him in the gut "gah" (Y/N) said as he spat out blood. (Y/N) fell on his knees "you know if you hadn't of had that Sacred Gear then you could have lived but I guess you will die" Mittelt said as she disappeared leaving a slowly dying (Y/N). As the life faded from (Y/N) he reaised his hand 'deep crimson red, just like her hair man I never even got to know her, I just hope my next life is better than this one' (Y/N) thought as the flyer flew out of (Y/N)'s pocket. It glowed a bright red as the flyer transformed into a summoning circle as a female came out of it "don't worry for you will not die today" said the female as (Y/N) had passed out.

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