Chapter 6: BROKEN

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Date: November 5th, 6016.

Time: 9: 42 PM.

Our chapter starts on a taxi car stopping at Alex's house. Black and Alex then got out of the car and Black had a umbrella on him. Black was also helping Alex move his wheelchair and was bringing him to the house.

They had went to a party and Alex looked disappointing while Black had a smile on his face. The doors then opened and the female voice welcomed the two inside.

Alex: That was by far the most boring party I've been to in all my life. I thought is was gonna be good, but I just wasted my time... *Sighs* I hate cocktail parties, and all the schmoozers that go there.

Black then put the umbrella and also Alex's coat on the hanger. Black decided to keep his red scarf and also his black jacket. He put the jacket under his hip and puts his scarf on his pocket.

Black: Well at least you met people that really admire your work, and they got to meet you.

Alex: Well, I guess your right. But most Pokémon don't give a damn about art. They mostly just care about how much money there're gonna make out of it. especially fighting.

Black then took hold of the wheelchair again and brought Alex to the living room.

Alex: I'm thirsty, lets have a drink.

The doors then opened and they made it to the living room.

Black: Do you want scotch or water, Alex?

Alex: Scotch.

Black: You sure? I don't think your doctor would like that. And it might effect your health.

Alex: You know what, give me a water bottle.

Black nodded and got a water battle by a nearby fridge.

When Black went to Alex again, he sees that the studio lights were on for some reason. And that makes Alex confused.

Alex: Did you leave the lights on in the studio?

Black: No... I'm sure I didn't.

Alex: Call the Rescuers.

Black then used his LED to call them. It them made contact to someone who was working there.

Responder: Sunny town rescuers, what's your emergency.

Black: This is Alexander Silverbolt's son, Black. Me and my dad are in 8941 Lafayette Avenue. We've just returned home and found the lights on. There may have been a break-in...

Responder: A patrol car is on the way.

Black then ended the call.

Alex: Let's go check it out.

Black agreed and took Alex's wheelchair to the studio. When the door opened, it revealed Frost, who was looking at some paintings on a table that Alex and Frost drew before.

Alex: Frost!

Frost then turns around to see them.

Alex: What are you doing?

Frost: Sense you didn't give me some money that I asked for. I might as well sell your stupid paintings. I can't actually believe Pokémon pay for this stuff.

Alex: Don't touch 'em!

Frost: *Sighs* Look, when your gone, it's all gonna be mine sooner or later anyway. Just think of it as a down payment on my inherence...

Alex: Black, get him away from there, and get him out of the house.

Black nodded and approaches Frost. Black knew that his father had heart problems and it might lead him to die if he was to start arguing with his son.

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