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Date: November 5th, 6016.

Time: 10: 58 PM.

Our chapter cuts back to the bus were Flare and Sunshine were in. They were both leaning against each other, while sleeping. In Flare's mind, he was talking to Fluffy.

Flare: So, I'm a deviant, and a Berserker as well?..

Fluffy: Yep, and you were able to defeat that jerk of a Lucario.

Flare: I don't know why but, I kind of feel bad for him.

Fluffy: Why is that?

Flare: Well, I saw one of Sunshine's drawings from her treasure chest. And it showed Jason and a Sylveon walking away from each other. And while Jason was talking to himself. He said that his wife left him for a accountant. And I just took his daughter away from him. I think he really cares about her, but he got mad in a bad situation. And he was about to kill us.

Fluffy: Yeah, maybe your right... But I'm not going to change my opinion about Civilian Pokémon.

Flare: Oh, okay then...

Flare then laid on his back, while looking sad. Fluffy notices this.

Fluffy: Is something wrong, Flare?

Flare: Well, when I became a Deviant. I started to have images of some kind. But I don't remember what it was.

Fluffy: ... Maybe I can help you

Flare: Wait, *stands up* you can? How?

Fluffy: Well, when a Outside Pokémon becomes a Deviant. We are sort of able to bring back some of their memories back to them.

Flare: So, I can see who I was before I was captured?

Fluffy: That is correct.

Flare: Than let's do it. How do we begin.

Fluffy: Grab my arm.

Flare accepted and grabbed his arm. They then started to sync with each other. Flare then starts to have flash backs.

*Flare's mind*

In flare's mind, it shows a egg hatching. The egg then hatched to reveal a male Eevee kit. The Eevee then opens his eyes to find two other Eevee's staring at him.

On his left, was a female Eevee. Who looked really surprised, and on his right. Was a male Eevee, who was smiling at him while having tears in his eyes.

Before the Eevee could say or do anything. The two Eevee's hugged him while saying "You finally hatched". The Eevee tries to repeat what they said, but he just said "H-hac".

It then cuts to another flashback where the Female Eevee was looking for something.

Eevee 2: Where is Eevee 1?

She then spots Eevee 3, in a flower bush.

Eevee 2: Do you know were Eevee 1 is, Eevee 3?

Eevee 3 just looked confused at her question. He then tries to repeat her words.

Eevee 3: Sis, ware biz bro?

Eevee 2 then got confused on why did he tried to repeat her question.

Eevee 2: I just asked you that. I know you can't speak will but...

She then stayed quiet.

Eevee 2: You know what, I don't care. As long as Eevee 1 is teaching you how to speak. I won't judge you.

Eevee 2 then hugged Eevee 3, and he hugged back as well.

Flare then cuts to another flashback of a Feraligatr, breaking into a treehouse, while trying to get the three Eevee's. The Feraligatr was about to get in, but a part of the roof fell on him and he was unable to move.

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