(A/n): Theory?

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So, I know I'm like..a month late. So I had just watched the Argentum Inanis video. Some amazing shit btw. And I thought of something-

So you see how Marvin saw that portal thingy? Well the same shit happened to Schneeplestein-

So you see how Marvin saw that portal thingy? Well the same shit happened to Schneeplestein-

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The silver void?

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The silver void?

Now don't judge me for not getting something right, I haven't watched Seán's videos in like two years! And I'm a little rusty when it comes to making theories for his characters since they aren't like any I've seen before-

So, you saw how the doctor looked like he was trying to find something. Maybe he's trying to contact Marvin? He knows what's happening, and he's reaching out to Marvin for help? But then he gets hypnotized by the void. That could be Anti, he's trying to stop the doctor from getting help..? That does seem like a thing Anti would do considering that he wants to have control.

And from the old book, either it's a book from the past or Marvin is in the past??? Marvin can time travel? Maybe, I mean he does do witchcraft by the looks of it so it could make sense...

I love how everyone thinks Marvin is a jolly magician. Then that video came out. That was basically Seán bitchslapping all of us in the face and being like "Hahahahaha, you thought wrong!"

Anyway...So to sum things up for the doctor's point of view, Schneep found out what was going on and tried to get Marvin to come help, but ended up being stopped by Anti and possibly captured??

And for Marvin's view, I guess he was trying to find out why the timelines are so screwed up? I'm not sure and I'm only assuming this because of the Jameson Jackson video!

I'm going to put this in a writing form because I don't know any other way to describe it-

Marvin closed the book, after not finding out what's been causing the errors in all of the timelines. He then  goes to his crystal ball to see what happened while he was gone.

The man touches the glass ball and gets hit with a chill up his spine as he sees what happened. All he can see are images of his (possible friends?) in danger. And this entity, with a slit neck. Marvin manages to break away from the crystal ball's visions. He tries to keep his breathing calm as he also tries to process what he had just seen.

Then the ball flashed a few bright colors. Marv looks back at the glass ball, seeing some sort of vortex. He tried to look away from it, but couldn't. He can't stop. Won't stop..

That's all I got so far-
If you want to tell me some stuff or share your theories, please do. I love theories :3

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