Chapter 1

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Draco's POV:

I climbed up the long staircase of the Burrow with full intention of finally getting Y/N out of her room. After the trip to Egypt at the beginning of summer, she shut herself in her room and never came out.

Fred and George brought her meals because they were the only ones she allowed in. If the twins knew why or what she was doing they didn't say anything. Molly seemed most upset, everytime she went up there Y/N would keep the door locked and only reply with yes, no, or a grunt.

The whole house missed her presence, but she had to come out today. We are supposed to be leaving to the Leaky Cauldron tommorow and she needs to pack. So maybe she'll come out? Right?

I finally reached her room, I took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door. "Hello?" I heard her reply from the door. Her voice as sweet as ever, I smiled. "Y/N? Please come out...we leave for the Leaky Cauldron tommorow and you need to we all miss you." She was quiet for a moment but I heard the soft pitter patter of her feet and the lock click.

"Come in Draco." I slowly opened the door and I looked around her room. It was nothing like it was months before, the books that used to be neatly placed on her book shelf were now open and scattered across the room. Her clothes were still neatly put away but she had cut out pictures on the wall of random witches and wizards. Her school trunk lie open and empty at the foot of her bed.

She had her back to me, her long brown hair flowed graciously down her back. She had gotten taller since I had last seen her but she still only came up to my shoulders. She was wearing a green sweater and pajama shorts. I couldn't help but notice that her figure had become more defined as well, giving her a nice hourglass shape.

I gulped nervously and approached her, careful not to step on any of her books. I tapped her shoulder and she slowly turned. Her chocolate brown eyes meeting my icey blue ones.

It took all my strength to keep my jaw from falling. Her face was now devoid of baby fat, her lips were a bit fuller and a natural pink color, and her eyes... they made me want to hold her tight and never let her go.

Your POV:

Once my eyes met Draco's I just might have died. He changed alot in the time that I stayed in my room. He had grown taller, and his blonde hair now ran free along his head. He has grown bangs that were split ever so slightly and they lightly brushed his eyebrows. His face had become more defined, making his jawline sharp.

He stared at me for a moment before smiling and pulling me into a hug. "I missed you." He said as he released me, when I didn't say anything he frowned. "What's wrong?" I just shook my head and began to close the books around my room piling them up in my trunk.

"No! None of that!" He said as I straightened up again. He walked over to me and gripped my hands. "You have to tell me what's wrong! Maybe I can help!" I looked down at me feet and let out a long sigh. "Well, Ive been trying to find out more about my parents. But my research is leading nowhere. It's incredibly frustrating." He raised an eyebrow.

"So what I'm hearing that my best friend locked herself in her room practically all summer, consumed with something that I could have helped with?" I raised my eyes to his and shrugged. "I didn't know if you would be willing to help." He smiled, "of course I will. You know Hermione and the boys will as well!"

I smiled for the first time in a while and he released my hands. "Now I'll help you pack because it's already late and we are leaving first thing tomorrow morning." I nodded and together we began to pack my things for school.


I woke to Ron shaking my shoulders. After I had come out of my room last night Ron, Ginny, and Draco spent every second with me. The boys had placed a bed on the floor in my room and slept on that while Ginny shared my bed.

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now