Chapter 7

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Your POV:

I sat at a large table with Ron, Harry, Hermione and Draco in divination. We were covering crystal ball gazing now and I couldn't concentrate. This class was complete baloney and I'm calling it. "Broaden your minds!" The professor said in her misty voice.

"You must look beyond! The art of crystal gazing is in the inner eye! Try again," she approached us. "Now what do we have here?" Ron and Harry snapped their heads up shaking off the sleep while Draco took my hand and started drawing shapes on it. I faked excitement. "Oh! Do you mind if I try?" I asked and the professor nodded.

"Of course dear," I made for a small chuckle looked into the ball for a millisecond. "The grim." I said my expression serious and annoyed. "Possibly," Hermione said in the same tone. "My dear," said Trelawney and she scooted closer to me and Draco's shapes were the only thing keeping me remotely calm.

"From the first moment you stepped into my class," she took my other hand examining it. "I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit that is needed for the noble art of divination." She opened my palm looking into it.

"Ah I see dear. You may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maids. Your soul is dry as the pages of the books that you so desperately cleave." She closed my hand around hers patting it and I glared harshly at her before ripping my hand from both her and Draco.

I grabbed my bag slinging it over my shoulder and Hermione did the same, "this class is a load of rubbish. Honestly!" Hermione said angrily and she stormed down the stairs and I kicked the table over barely missing Ron and I huffed making my way down the stairs. Everyone one whispered as I slammed the trap door shut.

***Few weeks later***

As I got ready for the day I glanced out the window, it was an overcast causing it to look a bit dark and sad outside. I sighed as I threw on my clothes and slipped my wand into my waistband and the time turner under my shirt, as always.

 I sighed as I threw on my clothes and slipped my wand into my waistband and the time turner under my shirt, as always

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Today was Buckbeak's execution date. I was upset, but nowhere near as torn up as Hagrid. My friends and I were going to visit Hagrid, we wanted to be with him when it happened. I ran out of the room and down the stairs running a finger through my hair as I did.

I saw Draco sitting on his usual cushion on the couch. I plopped down next to him and he tugged at my hair. "Good morning Beautiful," I smiled, "good morning Bunny." I leaned on his shoulder smiling as I did so. We sat like this for a while, just talking until the clock chimed and we headed down to meet up with our friends.

The five of us made our way through the courtyard passing the executioner as we did. He was sharpening a giant axe. He looked up at us and smiled gruesomely. I contemplated attacking him to see how well he could use that axe but Draco linked his arm with mine and intertwined our fingers.

"Don't," he said as if he had just read my mind. I looked at him, "I was just thinking about it. It's not like I was going to!" He smiled and shook his head as we walked on the bridge. "I cannot believe they are going to kill Buckbeak!" I said and Hermione nodded a grim expression on her face. "It's just too horrible."

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now