Chapter 3

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Your POV:

Madame Pomfrey didn't let me leave the hospital wing until lunch time. It turned out that when Buckbeak made me hit the tree I broke my rib, this situation seemed all to familiar.

But since I was such a fast healer and with the help of Madame Pomfrey I was fully healed in only a few hours. I missed my free period and transfiguration. But according to Hermione, McGonagall only gave us notes which she promised to let me copy.

I sat at the Gryffindor table coping Hermione's notes though this time Brianna joined us. I could hear Blaise complaining about his arm. "Does it hurt terribly Blaise?" Astoria asked. "It comes and it goes. I consider myself lucky, if not for Madame Pomfrey not a minute or two and I uh, would have lost my arm.

I gritted my teeth as Ron said, "he's really laying it on thick ain't he?" Harry nodded, "at least Hagrid didn't get fired." Hermione looked up, "but I hear his uncle's furious." Draco smacked his lips, "why wouldn't he be? Any reason to nail Dumbledore for anything. He's got no excuse to be complaining anyway, Y/N was the one who got her rib broken because of him."

I glared at Zabini, "yeah and if he doesn't shut it, I'll give him a real reason to complain." I finished coping Hermione's notes and shut my journal passing Hermione hers. "He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus yelled as he ran up to us, he slammed the paper in between Neville and I.

"Who? I asked. "Sirius Black!" I snatched the paper up and everyone leaned over me to get a better look. "Dovetown!" Brianna exclaimed, "That's not far from here!" Hermione said and Neville looked at me fearfully.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts do you?" I placed a hand on his shoulder rubbing my thumb at an attempt to comfort him. "There's dementors at every entrance." I said, "dementors!" Seamus countered, "he's already slipped past them once who has to say he won't do it again?"

"That's right," Fred piped up. "Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Harry glanced at me nervously and I bit my lip. "We'll be fine." I stated.

The next day after Muggle Studies Hermione and I used the time turner once again to attend D.D.A, we slipped into the classroom. Just like yesterday in Divination nobody noticed us, the two of us stood behind the boys just as Professor asked, "what does a boggart look like?" "No one knows," I said as the cabinet shuttered violently.

"When did they get here?" Ron asked but I just ignored him. "Boggarts are shape shifters, they take the shape of whatever that particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so-" "so terrifying yes." The professor finished as he slowly walked around us and towards the cabinet. Hermione sneered playfully at me.

"Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Lets practice it now." He now faced us from in front of the cabinet. "Without ones please, repeat after me, Riddikulus!" "Riddikulus!" The class echoed. "This class is ridiculous!" I heard Blaise mutter to his goons and I just shot him a hateful look before turning back to the professor.

"Very good, now the incantation itself is not enough, what really finishes a boggart is laughter. So you must force the boggart into taking the shape of what you find truly amusing. Let me explain," he looked around at us and his eyes fell on Neville who stood next me.

"Neville will you join me please?" Neville looked around and I smiled at him, "go on." I said and he nodded and slowly stepped up to the teacher who smiled. "Neville what frightens ou most of all?" Neville mumbled something. "What was that?" Lupin asked leaning forward a bit.

"Professor Snape!" Neville said a bit louder. Causing us to laugh, "yes." Lupin said chuckling. "He frightens all. And I believe you live with it grandmother?" "Yes but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either." A few more chuckles rang throughout the room.

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now