Chapter 2

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Your POV:

We arrive at Hogwarts by carriage as always. I was walking with my friends towards the feast, but was stopped by my head of house. "Hello, Miss. Weasley. Did you have a good holiday?" He asked and I nodded smiling gently.

"I did sir, you?" He nodded. "As much as I love chatting with you we have more pressing matters to deal with, if you and Miss Granger would follow me somewhere more private." I glanced at Hermione then back at Snape. "Of course, lead the way professor."

Snape led us into an empty classroom, he stood crossing his hands together and he faced us. "So I noticed that the two of you signed up for all of your electives this year. Am I correct?" We nodded, "yes sir." "And you both of course noticed that on your Hogwarts book list were all the necessary books?" I nodded once more, "we sure did professor."

"Well you will need a way to get to all those classes," he held out his hand which contained a small sparkly hourglass that seemed to be connected to a long chain. "This is a time turner. Do you know what it does?" I nodded.

"Yes, you turn the dial as many times as you need and you will transport back in time. One turn equals one hour." He nodded, "there are rules, you may only use it for your lessons and no one may know about it. You may notice that there is only one Time Turner and two of you." I nodded and he continued, "well you must choose which one of you will wear it."

Hermione smiled at me and placed her hand on my shoulder. " Y/N should, I mean I'm not very good with jewelry and she is." She indicated at my locket and ring that I had received many years ago. "She would be best to wear it." Snape nodded, "very well." He placed the time turner in my hand.

I examined it. Engraved around the hourglass were the words 'I mark the hours, every one, Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, Are gauged by what you have to do.' I slipped it over my neck three times to make the chain smaller. I hid it under my robe keeping my locket in sight.

"Thanks so much professor." He simply nodded, "now go join your friends at the feast." We thanked him once more before leaving the classroom and rushing to the feast.

I slipped into the great hall Hermione right behind me. The frogs had just croaked finishing the song from the choir. I rushed to the Slytherin table, it seems Pansy tried to sit next to Draco. I shoved her over and sat next to Draco, he smiled at me greatfully.

We turned our attention to the front as Dumbledore began his welcome back speech. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, now I'd like to say a few words before we all become to befugled by our excellent feast. First I please to welcome professor R. J Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of defense against the dark arts teacher." He spread his arm towards him.

"Good luck professor!" The man stood and we clapped. "Of course, that why he gave Harry and I the chocolate!" I said to Draco. "Pottah, Pottah!" I heard Blaise call, he was sitting a few seats down from me. Harry like the idiot he is turned. "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" Crabbe put his hand dramatically on his forehead and swooned.

Ron grabbed Harry's shoulder, "shove off Zabini!" He said and pulled Harry back and I leaned over, "Zabini! Is it true you're an attention seeker?" I leaned back as Draco snickered. I cocked my head to the side, "is it?" Pansy who now sat next to Blaise sneered, "is it true that your father is a deadbeat who doesn't want you?" She asked and I felt my face drop.

Her sneer deepened and I went to lunge at her but Draco stopped me, "not now. The teachers..." He warned and I just clenched my jaw and glared at her. "Just you wait till we get back to the common room Pugface. Obviously you didn't learn from last year." I saw a flicker of fear in her eyes but it still wasn't enough to satisfy me.

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