Chapter 4

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Your POV:

I was walking with Hermione to her common room I was still fuming from what happened earlier. We stopped low on the stairs due to the small crowd that was forming. "What's going on?" I heard Harry ask as the three boys approached us. Draco smiled and opened his mouth to speak. "We don't know," I completely ignored Draco.

"Neville's probably forgotten the password again." Ron said and I turned thumping his nose as Neville said "hey!" And Ron smiled, "hey look at that." I rolled my eyes and Draco spoke up, "Y/N I'm sorry! I just had to get her off my back!" I glared at him.

"There were other ways of going about it!" I huffed, "and besides if you don't tell her we aren't dating then I will." Draco's mouth fell open, "but Song Bird!" I scowled "Don't call me that! The next person who does will taste my fist!" I snarled and turned back towards the portrait standing on my tiptoes to try and see what the holdup was.

"Get back all of you!" I heard Percy say and I pushed passed some people to the front. "No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched." Percy said and I saw the painting and ran back down to the group. "It's the fat lady! She's gone!" I said and everyone gasped.

"Serves her right," Ron said with a smile. "She was a terrible singer." "Its not funny Ron!" Hermione scolded. The other paintings were going berserk, crying shouting and making a lot of racket. The five of us pushed to the front just as Dumbledore arrived.

His fingers glided along to rips in her portrait and he turned back to Filch. "Mr. Filch round up the ghosts, search every painting in the castle, till we find the Fat Lady." I glanced around and saw her a few flights of stairs up.

"There will be no need for ghosts headmaster." Everyone went quiet and I pointed up. "She's there!" There was a racket and everyone ran up to meet her. Once we got there Dumbledore joined my side.

"Dear Lady, who did this to you?" The fat lady was cowering behind a rhino. "Eyes like the devil he's got!" She slowly popped her head up. She looked distraught, "and a soul as dark as his name. He's here headmaster! The one they all talk about! Sirius Black!" She whimpered some more before cowering behind the rhino once again.

I let in a sharp intake of breath and felt someone grip my arm, I glanced over and it was Harry. He looked extremely worried. "Secure the castle, Mr Filch. The rest of you too the great Hall!" He glanced at Draco and I, "yes you too." We nodded and followed the crowd out to the great hall.

I lay awake in my sleeping bag in between Harry and Hermione, the whole school had joined us in the great hall and everyone was fast asleep. Other than Harry, I was turned to face him and we were talking in urgent whispers.

But our whispers were quickly silenced when the door opened and Dumbledore and Filch had arrived. "I've checked the Astronomy tower, the owllery there was nothing there." Flitwick soon joined, "the third floor is clear as well." Snape strutted forward, "I've checked the dungeons no sign of Black there or anywhere else."

"I didn't really expect him to stay," Dumbledore said as he walked towards Harry and I, I quickly squeezed my eyes shut as I heard him stop in between us. "Remarkable don't you think?" Snape asked his voice rather close. "That he was able to enter the castle undetected. Do you have a theory on how he might have managed?"

"Many," Dumbledore said, "each as unlikely as the next." "You might recall," Snape began, "that earlier this year I expressed my concerns about your appointment with our professor L-" "not a single professor," Dumbledore cut him off. "Would help Sirius Black to enter it. Now I'm quite convinced that the castle is safe, and I more than willing to send the students back to their houses."

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now