Chapter 9

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Your POV:

We ran down the long path and hid behind a large pile of pumpkins that we had hid just a few hours before. I turned my attention from the scene inside and saw that the Minister, Dumbledore, and the executioner were on their way. "Here they come," Draco said and tried to stand, "we better hurry."

I tightened my grip on his hand and pulled him down, "Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him, otherwise he'll think Hagrid set him free." I watched as Ron was handed Pettigrew. "That's Pettigrew!" Harry growled and I knew how he felt, because I felt the same. I grabbed him arm with my free hand, "Harry you can't!"

He looked me dead in the eyes, "Y/N! That's the man who betrayed our parents, Sirius included!" I nodded, "I know." "Well then you know that I can't just sit here!" I pulled him back down, "yes, but you must!" I heard the party of three getting closer and Draco tugged my hand and pulled the three of us to the other side of pumpkin pile.

"Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut now." I explained, "if you just go busting in you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things happen to Wizards how meddle with time, we cant be seen." Their talking got louder, "Fudge is coming." I turned towards the hut, "and we aren't leaving. Why aren't we leaving?" I glanced down and saw the rock that I had examined earlier.

I scooped it up and threw it hard at the window, I heard the shattering of glass and I ducked down. "Are you mad?!" Draco asked but I placed a finger to his lips to silence him. I grabbed another and threw it hard, I heard Harry say ow and I crouched again, while present Harry rubbed his head.

"Ow, that hurt." I winced, "sorry." I noticed that past Hermione swung open the door, "we're going out the back door, let's go!" I said as we ran into the forest. We hid behind a few trees and I pushed a branch past and watched us. I squinted, "is that really what my hair looks like from the back?"

I snapped a twig and hid behind the tree just as we had turned around. After a few moments our past selfs scurried up the hill. I crouched low down and quickly made our way behind the pumpkins once again. "I'll go," Harry said and he hurried over bowing low to Buckbeak.

Buckbeak looked at him, but then laid his head back down, clearly upset. "Love what are we going to do?" I bit my lip, "um I'm thinking, hang on." Draco and I slowly walked up to Harry as he grabbed Buckbeak's chain.

The door opened slightly and we stood frozen, but I heard Dumbledore say something and the door was closed once again. "Okay, Buckbeak. Come with us!" Harry said tugging on the chain. Draco joined him and after a few moments they looked back at me worried, "keep trying!"

I looked around and noticed a rope of dead ferrets. I hurried over to it, yanking it off the post and slinging it over my neck. My clothes were already ripped and stained, why not add on to it. I joined the boys and ripped one of the ferrets off.

"Come on Buckbeak," I said in a calm and soothing voice. "Come and get the nice dead ferret." The Hippogriff jumped up and I tossed a ferret at him, I dangled another one out Harry and Draco pulling the chain. "That's great, come on Beaky!" I said as it chewed the dead ferret.

The door opened and Dumbledore began to show them anything and everything that wasn't in our direction. I froze and Buckbeak snatched the ferret from my hand. "Clever man!" I hissed, and held out another ferret baiting Buckbeak into the forest.

We watched from the trees as the minister was looking around frantically for Buckbeak. "How extraordinary!" Dumbledore said and I smiled, "Hagrid is right, he really is a great man." I whispered and the boys looked confused but I shook it off as I kept my eyes peeled to the scene.

"Come now Dumbledore, somebody's obviously released it!" Buckbeak snatched at a ferret that laid on the chain. "Buckbeak!" I scolded and I passed him a ferret. "I don't think the minister is suggesting that you had anything to do with this Hagrid.After all how could you you've been with us all the time!"

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now