Chapter 6

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Draco's POV

(This is all happening during the patronus lesson)

I walked through the deserted halls towards the dungeons. I was supposed to meet Astoria in the common room. The halls were quiet and it was rather relaxing. My eyes drifted around the halls and was caught on a patch of familiar brown hair, I hurried towards Astoria but stopped when I saw who she was with.

She was giggling uncontrollably as she was pushed against the wall by Blaise. I hid behind the closest corner and peered back at the scene. They were now making out, unable to control my anger I revealed myself. "OI!" I yelled and they both stopped. Astoria looked at me in shock.

"Draco!" She quickly pushed Blaise off of her, he just leaned against the wall smirking. "It's not what it looks like!" She said and began to walk towards me. "Oh it isn't?! Because it looks like you were just snogging my cousin!" She placed a hand on my chest and I pushed it off.

"Don't!" I felt my fists shaking, "we are done. I should have seen this coming," I spun around and stormed away, ignoring her calls for me to come back. I broke into a run, I ran down many corridors until I found myself at the entrance to the Astronomy tower.

I took a deep breath and began to climb the stairs. Once I reached the top I sat on the ledge dangling my feet, and just stared up at the stars.

Your POV:

I entered the common room and hurried up the stairs. I slammed my dorm room door shut behind me causing Brianna too look up from her book. "Are you alright Y/N?" I shook my head, "no. Have you seen Draco?" She shook her head and I changed out of my robes and into grey sweatpants and a black tee-shirt.

"Alright, I'll be back." She nodded and I strode out of the room and into the common room. On the way I passed Pansy, she sat near Millicent who was calming Astoria down. Since Pansy had joined the quidditch team we mended the rift between us.

I looked at her curiously and she rolled her eyes at the two girls. Pansy walked over to me, "what happened to her?" I asked and she frowned, "Draco broke up with her." I faked a concerned look.

"That's terrible! Why?" Pansy shrugged, "no idea. But there is another problem. We can't find Draco." I felt my face drop, "what?!" She nodded, "he's been gone for a long time. I'm started to get worried." I frowned, "you still fancy him?" She shook her head, "no. But I still care for him." I nodded, "I'll go look for him, give me a second."

I bounded up the stairs and grabbed my wand. I took a deep breath and twirled my wand around me, as if binding myself with a rope. I murmured the disillusionment charm. A cold feeling went through my body and Brianna gasped. "So it worked then?" She nodded looking at me fearfully "your body is gone!" "Perfect, I'll be back soon. If anyone asked where I went, say I'm showering and I'm letting Pansy in, she will fill you in."

Brianna nodded and I made my way back to the common room. Pansy was sitting by herself on the couch. "Pansy!" I hissed and she jumped.
"Y/N? Where are you?!" I grabbed her arm.

"It's the disillusionment charm. It allows me to blend into my surroundings. I need you to tell Brianna everything." "Okay," she stood and I ran out of the Slytherin house and hurried through the castle and towards Gryffindor tower.

I saw Harry on the way which shocked me, he was slowly making his way towards the portrait. "HARRY!" He jumped and looked around. "Who's there?" I now stood in front of him. "It's me, I need the map!" He looked right through me, "where are you?!"

"It's a spell, I'm here. But I need the map!" He ruffled in his pockets and pulled out the parchment. "Here!" He held out the map, which I snatched. "Thanks! Bye!" I turned and ran, I rushed into the nearest bathroom, and pulled out my wand.

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now