Chapter 8

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Your POV:

Sirius stared at me for a moment and Draco stepped in front of me wrapping his arms with mine. Hermione did the same to Harry, "if you want to kill Harry and Y/N then you'll have to kill us too!" The man took a few slow steps.

"No, only one will die tonight." He said and Harry pushed passed Hermione. "Then it'll be you!" I pushed Draco off of me and ran towards Harry.  Harry wrapped his arms around Sirius' throat and I grimanced. The two of them fell onto the ground and Harry pulled out his wand thrusting it at Sirius' forehead.

"HARRY!" He snapped his head up to me. "Let him explain, I think that there is more to this story!" Harry looked as if I had gone mental. "He killed your mother!" I pointed my wand at Harry, "I don't believe it. Now I love you Harry, don't make me-" I heard a loud bang as a voice cried, "Expelliarmus!"

Harry grunted as his wand was ripped from his hand. Lupin had appeared and had his wand pointed at Harry. I lowered my wand as Harry had hurried back over to Hermione and Draco.  I felt an arm try to tug me back but I didn't move. I stood near Sirius as Lupin pointed his wand at him. A few spell ideas crossed my mind, but Lupin began to speak.

"Well, Well, Sirius looking rather ragged aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness with in." "Well you would know all about the madness within wouldn't you Remus?" Sirius replied his hands shaking slightly. Lupin let his wand fall to his side and he pulled him up. The two men hugged. "There his is!" Sirius said rather excited. "Lets kill him!"

"No!" Hermione screamed and I turned. "I trusted you, and all this time you've been his friend." Hermione pointed at Lupin, "he's a-" "Hermione!" I cut her off shooting her a warning glance but she ignored me. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes." Lupin stepped forward looking at Hermione and I, "how long have you two known?"

I looked up at him, "well I've known since professor Snape set the essay. I then decided to talk to Hermione about it, and she pieced the clues together." Lupin looked impressed, "Well, Well, Well, Y/N! You really are the brightest witch of your age I've ever met." Sirius began to pace behind the professor. "Enough talk Remus! Come on! Lets kill him!" He gestured towards Ron's hand, which Scabbers lied in.

"Wait!" Lupin said and Sirius turned, "I DID MY WAITING! 12 YEARS OF IT! IN AZKABAN!" Sirius' voice sounded broken. "Very well," Lupin said after a moment. He handed his wand to Sirius. "Kill it, but wait one more minute. Harry and Y/N deserve to know why."

"We know why," Harry said his voice cracking. "You betrayed my parents and your wife, you're the reason they're dead." "No Harry, it wasn't him. Someone did betray your parents, and you mother Y/N. But it was somebody who until quite recently I believed to be dead."

Wait a minute, I was told that Sirius wanted to kill both Harry and I. He was only saying 'him', and that only 'one' will die tonight, there was something else going on here. Lupin also said he believed that person to be dead. Sirius is an animagus, and he was friends with Lupin, Potter and Pettigrew, in their years at Hogwarts.

Lupin wouldn't be a animagus because he is a werewolf. So, would if Sirius became an animagus along with Harry's Dad and Peter Pettigrew to help Lupin. It made complete sense, and Sirius 'Killed' Pettigrew. So what if the rat was Peter trying to hide? I mean he has been in the family for 12 years, a rather long time for a rat to live.

"Who was it then?!" Harry asked. "Peter Pettigrew," I said my voice a whisper and Lupin looked suprised. "I told you, brightest witch of the age!" He said to me and I smiled, but only half heartedly. "He's in this room, right now! Come out Peter! Come out and play!" Sirius yelled. He began to walk towards Ron.

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