Chapter 5

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Your POV:

Harry and I stood in the large clock, he stared longingly out the window as the students left the grounds for Hogsmeade. "Harry?" He tore his eyes away from the scene. "Hmm?" I smiled a bit, "why don't we use your dad's cloak?" Harry's eyes lit up.

"You think it will work?" I nodded, "it's should." He grabbed my hand, "alright let's go!" He broke into a run dragging me behind him we reached the Gryffindor common room. He spat out the password and pulled me into the common room, up the stairs and into what I assume was his and Ron's dorm.

He let go on my hand and pulled his trunk out from under his bed and pulled out the cloak. "You'll have eto use it too." He stated, "the professors know that you stay here with me." I nodded and we walked out of the room.

Once were out of Gryffindor tower we ducked behind a pillar and he draped the cloak over us. I pulled my beanie a little further down cover my ears and the two of us linked our arms together walked towards the gate.

I saw Fred and George playing with the snow and I grimaced as they noticed our foot steps. I watched as Fred grabbed my arm and George grabbed Harry's.

"Guys! Let us go!" I hissed. "Clever guys!" Fred said as they dragged us back into the room. "But not clever enough. Besides we got a better way." Harry groaned, "cmon we are tryna get to Hogsmeade!" "We know!" They said in unison.

"Don't worry," "we'll show you a quicker way." "If you pipe down." They pulled us into a room and and shoved us on the staircase. We unlinked our arms as we pulled off the cloak.

"What are you doing?" Harry hissed. "Shhhh!" Fred cut us off and shoved something in my hand. "What's this rubbish?" I said turning the old price of parchment in my hands. Fred laughed, "what's this rubbish she says. That there is the secret to our success." He said pointing at it.

"It's a wrench giving it to you believe me!" George said. "But we decide your needs are better than ours, George if you will." George pulled his wand at Fred's words and tapped the parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He said and words and pictures blossomed among the folded parchment. "Messers Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs," Harry read over my shoulder, "are proud to present the Marauder's Map?" He said as if it were a question.

"We owe them so much." George said gratefully. I slowly opened the map, "hang on! This is Hogwarts." Harry moved my hair to get a better look. " that really-" "Dumbledore." Fred supplied and George finished. "In his study pacing." Fred nodded, "he does that alot."

"So you mean this map shows?" "Everyone!" "Everyone?" Harry asked and George nodded. "Where they are," "what their doing." "Every minute." "Of everyday!" "Brilliant!" Harry said and I looked up smiling. "Where'd you get it?"

"Nicked it from Filches office of course!" "First year." "Now listen." George said crossing his arms. "There are several secret passage ways out of the castle, we recommend..." "This one!" They both said pointing at a small price of the map. "The one eyed witch passage way." "It'll lead you straight to honey dukes cellar."

"But you best hurry," Fred said looking at the map. "Filch is coming this way." "Oh and Y/N, Harry don't forget when your done give it a tap and say," "mischief managed." They said in unison, "or else anyone could read it." I smiled and kissed both of their cheeks. "Thanks boys your the best!" I pulled Harry along and together we entered the passage way.


I saw the entrance to Honey dukes and I slowly pushed open the tile, Harry joined my side and we watched as a man took a large box up the stairs. "Okay," Harry said pushing open the tile he climbed out them extended his arm which I took and climbed out.

The Odd One Out: YEAR THREE.     //COMPLETE//                 {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now