11] Connections?

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Cheesiness alert xD


"How the hell did I cut myself in the arm?" I wondered out loud as Clint bandaged a pretty large cut on my right arm.

"That's what I'd like to know." The medjack chuckled as he finished wrapping my arm up.

"Well me too." I retorted. It stung horribly, but I guess I could bear it.

I sat there boredly in the Medjacks room. It was small, and I didn't realise it was on top of the homestead. I couldn't let myself wear off what had happened in the woods, and I was still very traumatized.

Clint asked alot of questions, but due to my inabillity to speak after that experience I couldn't let much words out.

As I heard footsteps leading towards the door, Clint finally finished with my arm. Somebody walked in, making me smile as I saw his presence.

"You look bloody horrible." He smirked as he sat down next to me. I put on a straight face, trying not to glare.

"Thanks Newt, could've told me that earlier." I said with a roll of my eyes.

The blonde boy chuckled. "I'm kidding. You still look beautiful." He stated as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I-I what?" I stuttered accidentally. Did he say what I think he just said?

As if realising his words, Newt's eyes widened whilst his face began turning into a light shade of red.

"Shuck...I didn't mean-"

"Hello? Did we forget that I'm in the room?" Clint interrupted, his face looking playfully disgusted. I gave him a small smile, shaking my head. "Flirt another time, lovebirds." He finished.

"Sorry." I said as I glared at him, then laughed it off. "Thanks for erm...bandaging me up." Was that even a real word?

The medjack nodded briefly. "Don't worry 'bout it. By the way, you can leave whenever you feel like it, and Alby's gonna wanna talk to you about what happened."

"Great." I muttered.

"Let's get goin' then." Newt spoke as he dragged me to my feet, beginning to lead us out. "Thanks Clint." He called.

"Yeah, thank you!" I smiled.

"No worries!" He called back. "Remember to rest your arm just for a little while!"

Once we both left the homestead, I remembered what Newt told me back inside the room. It suddenly sprung some thoughts and questions about myself.

"Hey, Newt?" I spoke up as we both started walking to Frypan's kitchen.

"Yeah?" He responded.

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, instantly wishing that I had hair-ties since my hair was quite long and always in my face. "Can you tell me what I look like?"

He turned his head to look at me, suddenly making me feel nervous. I randomely made some pieces of hair fall infront of my face again. The blonde boy chuckled, shaking his head.

"Don't do that." He said with a small smile.

I rose an eyebrow. "Do what?"

"Cover your face with your hair. It doesn't show how pretty you are." Newt stated. I felt my face heat up rapidly once again as I quickly turned my head towards the ground, trying not to smile.

"Oh. Er, sorry-"

"Relax Newt." I chuckled as I nudged his arm gently. "Thank you. Anyway, I know I look totally and utterly georgeous." I exageratted, doing random hand gestures to myself.

The Girl Greenie || The Maze Runner Fanfic, NewtWhere stories live. Discover now