Chapter 16 - Malfoy Manor

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The next few weeks were a general build up to Christmas. Every Hogwarts student enjoying the rest of school but bursting to head off into the break. 

Although i'd never admit it, Christmas at my house was always shit so i never looked forward to it, but this year was different, i was excited but mostly dreading being face to face with Lucius Malfoy again. 

He reminded me of my mother, dry, bitter and cold. I'm surprised at how both of them didn't end up together and Narcissa could have someone worth having her but then again the world doesn't like to be fair.

Spending Christmas with Draco Malfoy was not something i would have ever imagined me doing in my life and yet somehow it just happened, all because Blaise and that letter but hey i wasn't complaining. 

The last day of school was always fun, tons of candy and gifts are shared. Everyone's laughing and having parties in common rooms. The Weasley twins pull their dimwitted Christmas pranks, that are actually pretty cool. 

For those who have to stay at Hogwarts for the break, must party like crazy. All of them in need to cram all the fun in on one day so their Christmas actually felt like fun.

"Say hello to your father for me!" I laughed, giving Cedric a farewell. He sent me a grin from ear to ear before heading out. 

After the incident we had, i apologized and we began talking and being friends again. I had missed his blushing cheeks and his massive smile. It was sad to see him leave but i knew i'd see him soon enough. 

As I turned to Blaise and Pansy, i found them both chuckling at something. "Merry Christmas." I announced to which the both gave me a hug. Pansy on my left, Blaise on my right. "Here." They said in unison, handing me a gift no larger than the width of my hand. "Merry Christmas." They finished. 

They grabbed each others wrists and walked off, cheery.

"What fucking weirdos." I giggled in my head. During further inspection of the gift, i noticed a letter attached to the side. I thought about reading it but that would make me a muggle Grinch. I sat waiting outside the library as that's where i was told to wait. 

A tap appeared on my left shoulder, i could sense the smile radiating of the one who stood behind me. 

"Hermione." I gasped, in complete shock of seeing her. "Ron, harry. Merry Christmas." I continued.

"Merry Christmas" The frizzy haired girl spoke handing me what looked to be a book covered in wrapping. 

"But i didn't get you anything." I spoke embarrassed. 

"No trouble, just thought it would keep you company as you said you were staying at school this year." She whispered, unsure if i wanted everyone to know. 

"Thank you Hermione, seriously thank you." I smiled toward her and the boys behind her as she nodded her head and proceeded to walk off, talking to those beside her. At that moment, worry rapidly rushed over my head, i realized i had lied.. i had lied to everyone.

I wasn't spending my Christmas at school nor was i going to be alone. But that thought graced over my head as i felt a pair of freezing hands brush over my waist. 

"Ready to go?" His voice towered. "I suppose." I jokingly hesitated. The blonde rolled his eyes as we apparated, making my head spin a million miles per hour. 

"You can open your eyes, you know." Draco whispered into my ear. I opened the lids of my eyes to reveal a massive manor, dark and weary yet it seemed to bring a smile to Draco's face, leaving less on edge emotions on me. 

The front door swung open to find a smile so bright and so humble, anyone able enough to be in presence of it would be classified as the lucky.

"Mother." The boy exhaled, quite quickly walking over to the women, tightly hugging her. "My boy." She smiled sweetly. She placed her hand on his cheek, sending a ray of smiles at him. She turned to me, "And... is that y/n?"

"It is Mrs. Malfoy, very nice to see you again." I said softly as though i was meeting her for the first time, setting myself a good impression. 

The lady beamed a smile, "Its been a long time but do call me Narcissa, Mrs Malfoy makes me feel old." She offered. "Of course." I agreed.

As i entered the large building, its interior just as dark as the surface. No decorations, or trees. No Christmas sweaters, just black, grey and slight greens. 

Nothing red or yellow, quite bland when you think about it but its the people who live inside the house and not the house they live in, right? The miniature house elves grabbed at our luggage taking them upstairs. I bent down, "thank you." 

I said softly, earning a grin from the help. My eyes followed them up the stairs until I found Draco staring at me curiously. "What?" I laugh.

"Nothing." He said, smiling into his feet before looking back at his mother trying dearly to not to make his smile obvious. 

Narcissa smirked deeply into us, pulling at her rosy cheeks. "Draco, do be a gentleman and show y/n to her room please." Narcissa insisted. "Dinner wont be ready for another hour so have a tour and have some fun."

He nodded, agreeing completely. "Follow me." He demanded. I thanked Narcissa for allowing me to stay, following Draco, taking in every inch of the house. 

"You know you don't have to thank the house elves." He chuckled.

"I was being polite, something you would have no idea about, would you?" I exclaimed, hitting his arm playfully. I heard a giggle downstairs from Narcissa, encouraging me. After what felt like years of walking, we reached a dark door, large and grand. 

"Your room." Draco advanced. He opened the entrance, my eyes widened in amazement. "Holy shit." I whispered. The blonde smirked at my comment, 

"My rooms the next door to your left, but don't take that knowledge and run with it" He laughed. I rolled my eyes, 

"thanks." I reply. He then parted his way, leaving me to my own thoughts.

My bags were in the corner, matching the rooms aesthetic. Green leather with little quidditch stickers on the side. I felt more like home then home did. I jumped onto the bed, excitement flowing out of my body. 

The beds sheets were an obsidian color and the duvet itself was a dark emerald green with a mix of grey and black pillows laying over the top of it. As i faced the ceiling, i let out a deep breathe once again, collecting my thoughts. 

The room smelt of royalty, i wouldn't know how to explain it but it smelt of wealth. The walls were lined with back and silver. Slight gold around the edges but nothing clearly noticeable.

A large creak appeared from behind me. "Are you ready to tour?" The voice said. I turned to find Draco in comfortable attire. 

His hair was ruffled though, which felt normal as i had seen it multiple times but still left me weak. 

"Yes sir." I say in a posh accent. He stuck his arm out. I grabbed his palms and was instantly pulled into a kiss. Something passionate and made my stomach's butterflies flutter. I pulled away, 

"I meant a house tour and not a taste bud one." I joked.

"You wont be saying that tonight." He whispered in my ear so that only i could hear, i guess fearful of the embarrassment from his mother. I rolled my eyes, 

"Where to?" I ask. "Wouldn't you like to know..." He replies, grabbing my arms and pulling me along the shadowy corridors.

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